Week December 15, 2014 – December 19, 2014 DECA NEWS: DECA at KGHS wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Due This Week: Vocabulary due Thursday with Journal and TEST Thursday Industry Certification Test Wednesday Presentations Tuesday on CS
Early Work: What are the Four Fred Principles? Today’s Objective: Understanding Entrepreneurship/Customer ServiceUnderstanding Entrepreneurship/Customer Service Activities Vocabulary Vocabulary Creation of Customer Service Presentations From the information you gathered Friday, create a presentation on what you feel is great customer service – Consider that you own your own business and this program is what you would share with your employees. You may use a “Top 10” format, reverse numbered (like David Letterman) format, or utilize a symbol to share your ideas. Your presentation should be at least 6 slides – please print this off – 6 slides to a page – for grading purposes. Share the presentation with me in Google Drive Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “Everything Has a Price” – Homework: Prepare for Customer Service Test Wednesday ☞ Point of the Day: Fear nothing but to waste the present moment. Just for today, I will make and keep proper commitments. Magical Monday Manners Moment
Early Work: When was the last time you did something extraordinary? Today’s Objective: Understanding Entrepreneurship/Customer ServiceUnderstanding Entrepreneurship/Customer Service Activities Vocabulary Customer Service Presentations – You will present your Customer Service Program to the class and ask for input. Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “Everything Has a Price” – Homework: Industry Certification Test Wednesday ☞ Point of the Day: Everyone makes a difference. Just for today, I will earn and properly manage finances. Tough Tuesday – Name that Company
Early Work: Do you make a daily conscious decision to make a difference? Today’s Objective: Understanding Entrepreneurship/Customer ServiceUnderstanding Entrepreneurship/Customer Service Activities Marketing NOW Discussion Customer Service Industry Certification Test Complete presentations when everyone is finished with test if time Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “Everything Has a Price” – Homework: Complete Comments on my page! ☞ Point of the Day: Everything is built on relationships. Just for today, I will deepen and live out my faith. Work Wear Wednesday & MKTG NOW Discussion
Early Work: Newspaper Day – The Free Lance Star Do you feel that you have the ability to make a positive difference? Today’s Objective: Understanding Entrepreneurship/Customer ServiceUnderstanding Entrepreneurship/Customer Service Activities Vocabulary Test Today! Also complete your JOURNAL Today! Finish up any presentations from Tuesday. Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “Everything Has a Price” – Home work: Be sure to complete your Marketing NOW assignments! ☞ Point of the Day: You must continually create value for others, and it doesn’t have to cost a penny! Just for today, I will initiate and invest in solid relationships. Throw Back Thursday – Share a Weird Fact today!
Early Work: Have you received feedback that anything you have done has made a positive difference in another’s life? Today’s Objective: Understanding Entrepreneurship/Customer ServiceUnderstanding Entrepreneurship/Customer Service Activities Vocabulary Test was taken yesterday – complete any makeup work Social Networking Opportunity Video with discussion Questions Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “Everything Has a Price” – Journal – “My Holiday Plans” Homework: Service Saturday is tomorrow! ☞ Point of the Day: You can reinvent yourself regularly! Just for today, I will plan for and model generosity. Foxes Friday - The Week’s Wrap-Up & Good News!
Vocabulary Defined & Due on Friday Vocabulary Test on Friday – Be ready! 391) Schedule 392) Scrambled Merchandising 393) Seasonal Discounts 394) Secondary Data 395) Selective Demand 396) Seller’s Market 397) Selling (Personal Selling) 398) Selling Process Steps 399) Services 400) Shoplifting 401) Ship-lifting Prevention 402) Shopping Good 403) Shortage 404) Shrinkage 405) Signage 406) Signature 407) Slogan 408) Social Classes 409) Sole Proprietorship 410) Source-Creditability Technique 411) Spam (Spamming) 412) Span of Control 413) Special Purchase 414) Specialty Advertising 415) Specialty Good 416) Split Runs 417) Sponsor 418) Sponsorship 419) Spotlighting 420) Stacked Bar Graph
Understanding Entrepreneurship Explain the concept of entrepreneurship Describe the need for entrepreneurial innovations. Customer Service Industry Certification Everyone Pass!!! CTE Competencies Linked to SOLs
Success in our world today, no matter your trade or career, industry or profession, depends on customer service! Entrepreneurial survival depends on strong customer service programs and commitments from the owner of the company right on down to the bathroom cleaner! Taking the initiative and the extra step to create more magic for your staff and customers/guests is key in today’s world.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T EVERYTHING!!! Your supplies – bring your stuff every-day! Bring your book every-day! Bring your notebook & composition book every- day! Bring pen/paper/thinking cap/open mind ever-day! Place all bags on the floor under your table! Wait for Teacher instruction before beginning activity! Passes out of Class - No Exit First 10/Last 10 One person out of room at a time Pass Board – USE IT! Keep it short! Stay in your seat until you are dismissed from class – the bell tells Teacher when class is over; Teacher then dismisses you. No talking while Teacher or others have the floor. Watch your language and mind your manners, please. All School Rules will be followed without question.