Cross-border network for knowledge transfer and innovative development in wastewater treatment WATERFRIEND HUSRB/1203/221/196
.. THE TEAM SZTE: provide assistance in creation of a knowledge transfer in environmental engineering, mainly wastewater treatment Togeather with TFUNS: improve the education of professors and students by giving lectures create practical work on laboratory equipment and software. Closing conference Waterfriend
.. PROJECT START-UP: Logo of the WATERFRIEND project:
.. Closing conference Waterfriend
.. The pyramid of achievements: All completed
Closing conference Waterfriend.. Purchasing the aerobe digester June 2013
Closing conference Waterfriend.. 2nd Training course November 2013 Sugar Factory TE-TO Senta, Serbia
Closing conference Waterfriend.. 2nd Training course November 2013 Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
Closing conference Waterfriend.. November 2013 – March 2014 Working with students Training courses (2x) Working in laboratory (continuously) HUSRB student meeting and conference (2x) Wastewater from the Edible oil Industry Sugar production Starch industry
Closing conference Waterfriend.. 1st Students Meeting March 2014 Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
Closing conference Waterfriend.. 1st Students Meeting March 2014 Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
Closing conference Waterfriend.. 1st Students Meeting March 2014 Faculty of Technology Novi Sad
Waterfriend.. Publications: Laboratory practices, Book of abstracts, notebooks, pencils
Waterfriend.. Visit of the JTS manager
Waterfriend.. We created a network,which leads to scientific cooperation too: Strengthening cooperation of education staff and industrial partners working in the field of wastewater treatment and environmental protection which leads to propose new joint projects
Waterfriend.. Dissemination of the results – innovative development and scientific cooperation Laszlo Kiss Zs., Talpas L., Seres Z. Beszedes S, Hodur C., Laszlo Zs. (2013): Treatment of model oily waste water by Microfiltration, Periodica polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 57/1 – 2, 21 – 24 Szelpal Sz., Fejes K., Csanadi J., Š oronja Simović D., Laszlo Zs., Kesztehly-Szabo G., Hodur C. (2013): Enrichment of bioactive material by enzymatic degradation and membrane separation, Annals of Faculty of engineering hunedoara - International journal of egineering, 4, 221 – 226. Š ere š Z., Dokić Lj., Pajin B., Š oronja Simović D., Hodur C., Kukić D. Š arac V. (2013): Smanjenje hemijske potro š nje kiseonika u otpadnim vodam indusrije ulja primenom mikrofiltracije, 54 th Confenrece of production and processing of oilseeds, Proceedings, Herceg Novi, June, Seres Z., Dokic Lj., Soronja Simovic D., Hodur C., Pajin B., Laszlo Zs. (2013): Microfiltration of steepwater from corn starch industry trough ceramic memb. of 100 nm pore size, Eurofoodchem XVII, Istanbul, May, 719. Š ere š Z., Dokić Lj., Hodur., Pajin B., Š oronja Simović D., Nikolić I., Maravić N. (2013): Wastewater treatment from the edible oil industry by tubular ceramic membrane, Food Science Conference, Budapest, November. Š ere š Z., Dokić Lj., Š oronja Simović D., Hodur C., Laszlo Zs., Nikolić I., Maravić M. (2014): Response surface methodology approach to defining ultrafiltration of steepwater from corn starch industry, ICCCE 2014: International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May.
Waterfriend.. Start of the project: 1st March End of the project: 30th June Total budget: ,00 EUR The main aim of this project: Promoting good-neighborly relations and professional cooperation Thank you very much!