30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN1 ESA Geant4 Activities ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section P. Nieminen, E. Daly, H.D.R. Evans, A. Keating,


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Presentation transcript:

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN1 ESA Geant4 Activities ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section P. Nieminen, E. Daly, H.D.R. Evans, A. Keating, A. Mohammadzadeh, R. Nartallo, G. Santin ESA-ESTEC

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN2 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Sun – a large particle accelerator

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN3 Solar flare electrons, protons, and heavy ions Jovian electrons Solar flare neutrons and  -rays Solar X-rays Galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays Induced emission (Neutrinos) Trapped particles Anomalous cosmic rays

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN4 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section  X-Ray Multi-mirror Mission (XMM)  Study of black holes, formation of galaxies, …  Length 10 m, span of solar panels 16 m  Mass 3.8 tons

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN5 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN6 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section S tandard R adiation E nvironment M onitor (SREM)

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN7 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section S tandard R adiation E nvironment M onitor (SREM)

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN8 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section S tandard R adiation E nvironment M onitor (SREM)

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN9 SREM on PROBA: protons and electrons ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section SREM South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) “Polar horns”

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN10 SREM data from solar event of 26 December 2001 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN11 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section MULASSIS: WWW tool for shielding calculations

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN12 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section MULASSIS: WWW tool for shielding calculations

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN13 A.Keating 1, A.Mohammadzadeh 1, B.Nickson 1, A.Jaksic 2, W. Hajdas 3 1 ESA/ESTEC/TOS-QCA, Postbus NL 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 2 NMRC, University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland. 3 PSI, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland Modelling packaging effects on proton irradiation response of NMRC RadFETs Metallisation Drain & source Field Oxide Radfet #2 Radfet #4 Radfet #1#3 S300/50 G300/50 D300/50 D690/15 DG300/50 G690/15 S690/15 DG690/15 Bulk Diode Geometry description

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN14 Investigating Secondary Particles and Package Effect Simulated Response to Proton Irradiation Main results:

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN15 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section ESA Columbus module on ISS

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN16 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section DESIRE (Dose Estimation by Simulation of the ISS Radiation Environment):  Prediction of the ambient energetic particle environment (SPENVIS & additional models)  Construction of COLUMBUS geometry  Radiation transport, including secondary particle production, through the geometry.  Geant4, HZETRN, and SHIELD inter- comparison.  Calculation of astronaut radiation doses  Connection to the INTAS activity Neutrons

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN17 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS project  Radiation environments and effects, and their dependence on time, position, and mission duration  Development of associated techniques for prediction of spacecraft radiation hazards  Evaluation of shielding strategies and methods; development and implementation of new models in Geant4, comparisons to the Russian SHIELD code and experimental data Study of the High-Energy Interplanetary Radiation Fields and Radiation Effect Simulation for Spacecraft Missions

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN18 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS project  Differential cross sections for secondary particles  Cross sections of production of residual nuclei  Energy spectra of residual nuclei  Distribution of energy deposition over the target  Total and differential yield of particles Study of the High-Energy Interplanetary Radiation Fields and Radiation Effect Simulation for Spacecraft Missions

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN19 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS : heavy ion fragmentation data base Production of radioisotopes 3 H, 7 Be 22 Na and 24 Na from interaction of  ‑ particles with Al. Production of elements from fragmentation of 40 Ar (213 MeV/u) on nucleus-target C.

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN20 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS : heavy ion fragmentation data base Energy spectra of residual nuclei with A=24. Projectile energy E α =117.4 MeV on 28 Si. Energy spectra of secondary protons in the reaction 12 C(3.6 GeV/u) + C.

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN21 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Radioactive Decay Module (RDM) Energy (keV) 122 Cd  decay  ENSDF 2 on-line database used by a Java utility  - and   -particles,  -rays,, daughter nuclides if unstable  Times of observation as required by the user  Specific parts of the geometry  Nuclide selection by the user  Analogue Monte Carlo potentially inefficient: variance reduction techniques used  Applications: Astrophysics missions, medical use, mineralogical analysis,...

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN22 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Radioactive Decay Module (RDM) Simulation of decay chains Simulation time (s)

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN23 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTEGRAL  Study supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, black holes,  formation of elements  Length 5 m, mass 4.1 tons  Energy range 15 keV – 10 MeV  Orbit km perigee, km apogee => radiation belts

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN24 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section X-Ray Surveys of Solar System Bodies Induced X-ray line emission: indicator of target composition (~100  m surface layer) Cosmic rays, jovian electrons Geant3.21 ITS3.0, EGS4 Geant4 Solar X-rays, e, p Courtesy SOHO EIT C, N, O line emissions included

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN25 HERMES X-R ay S pectrometer on M ercury P lanetary O rbiter PIXE from solar proton events ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN26 HERMES X-R ay S pectrometer on M ercury P lanetary O rbiter ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section BESSY-II data

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN27 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section L aser I nterferometer S pace A ntenna (LISA)

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN28 Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP) Charging of test masses by cosmic rays and solar particles,  -rays, and displaced gold ions  Analysis by Geant3.21 down to 10 keV; interfacing with ITS3.0 down to 1 keV. [Y. Jafry et al., Class. Quantum Grav. 13, 1996] p +,  Au +  -rays  Geant4: Analysis possible in one framework down to 250 eV.  SMART-2 application ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN29 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Electron spectra

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN30 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section  Radiation Effects Analysis Tools (REAT), SPENVIS and Geant4 interface for Multi-Layered Shielding Simulation Software (MULASSIS), including WWW version [QinetiQ, University of Southampton, BISA]  Dose Estimation by Simulation of the ISS Radiation Environment (DESIRE) [KTH Stockholm, Karolinska Institut, EAC, ESTEC, INR]  Geant4 simulations on the ESA SREM instrument [University of Bern]  Predicting displacement damage effects in electronic components by method of simulation (NIEL). [University of Cologne]  Further work on low-energy e.m. extensions, e.g. for Bepi Colombo [INFN Genova, ESA Astrophysics, other Institutes and Universities]  Improvement of graphical representation of solids, investigation of STEP to XML translation [E. Chernaev, CERN]  Development of Internal Conversion process; hadronics comparisons [QinetiQ]  SpaceGRID, WP on Geant4 application [Datamat, QinetiQ]  INTAS project : comparisons with SHIELD code [ESTEC, BISA, CNES, Russian Institutes] Recent and on-going Geant4-related R&D funded by ESA

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN31 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Upcoming Geant4 R&D and other activities  Energetic Particle Shielding and Interactions Software, major R&D item. 5 ESA Science missions + 4 other activities for Geant4 development and applications [QinetiQ + 4 other Institutes / Teams]  Proposal for ESA-Portugal Task Force: Study on EUSO and AMS on the ISS [LIP Lisbon]  Proposals in the ESA General Studies Programme for plasma and components tools and applications  In-house simulations for the Herchel infrared mission, due for launch in 2007  Geant4 Space Users’ Forum January 2003 at ESTEC:

30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN32 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section AURORA Manned and unmanned Solar System Exploration initiative in years time frame. Items for radiation environments and effects: Radiation Shielding and Effects (Geant4 models, open competition) Radiation Exposure and Mission Strategies for Interplanetary Manned Missions (Geant4 applications, open competition)