Solutions for the Education, lifelong learning and job market Risto Poutiainen Prague 28 June, 2011
Good Practice from DART Partner Regions: The selection process Objectives Proposals Transnational events Selected Good Practices New needs and ideas CONTENT Photo: Keijo Penttinen
Main Objectives of the DART Project WHY? WHAT? HOW? The DART partner regions are forerunners in Europe, leading the way in the challenges of demographic change Ageing regions need qualitative solutions and innovative answers, for citizens, authorities and the business world Interregional co-operation Identification of good practices and political solutions Exchange of experiences Successful transfer of good practices Contributing to improving the effectiveness of regional development policies Developing an integrated approach for policy recommendations for regional policies and public services Sharing good practice Raising awareness of demographic change
Proposals for Good Practices from Partners Partnership 14 partners, 13 European regions and 11 countries involved Three thematic fields Traditional and Innovative Economy Education, Lifelong Learning and the Job Market Health Care and Social Services Target results for the project period 26 good practices will be identified and described 13 good practices will be transferred Currently 67 good practices have been described; When transferring good practices from one region to another, all described good practices will be available
Transnational Back-to-Back Events Preparatory meetings Discussion on the topics of common concern Workshop days Identification and description of good practices in advance Presentation of proposal for good practices Group work Assessment of proposals Selection of good practices by voting democratically (evaluative coffee break) Economy 6, Education 11, Health 5, and Social Services 5 Study visits in hosting partner region Thematic conferences Policy approach Presentation of selected good practices Evaluation workshops after each conference Starting phase of transfer and matches between source and target regions Drafting recommendations on European, national and regional/local level
Workshop on the Education in Wroclaw, Poland, Dec 2010 Among identified questions: What lifelong learning is about? How education (e.g. national and regional policies, educational institutions) should take into account population declining and ageing in the regions? How to deal with eLearning? What should be developed and improved? Cuts or more opportunities? Results: 31 proposals from 11 regions 11 selected good practices – seven of them on the stage today and four of them are presented in the stands
Workshop on the Education in Wroclaw, Poland, Dec 2010 Among topics of common concern: Education policy, education and training systems Pre-school (early) and general education Vocational education and training Adult education and training Polytechnic and university education Liberal adult education Employment policy (incl. age policy) Lifecycle approach to work life (course of work life) Inclusive job market Methods of education (incl. eLearning)
Among new Topics for Cooperation The following themes might be items of consideration for further cooperation Generating and offering diverse forms of lifelong learning Developing eLearning opportunities Bridging the worlds of labour and of education and training Developing regional early-warning and forecasting systems to improve the matching of skills supply and demand Supporting the development and exchange between public employment services, education and training providers and companies on lifelong learning
Risto Poutiainen Director, Regional Development and Planning Erja Lehikoinen, PhD DART Project Manager The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live. Mortimer Adler Photo: Keijo Penttinen