Agricultural Education
Brief History 1 st graduates in 1914 ~ 1,400 – 1,700 living alums Only Agricultural Education teacher education program in Indiana
Noteworthy Students Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus - Dale Butcher (1995); Chip Perfect (2006) Several Purdue Ag Alumni Association Certificate of Distinction Award recipients 3 G.A. Ross Award Recipients (Travis Park, 1996; Chad Ripberger, 1997; Amir Faghih, 2006) 1 Flora Roberts Award Recipient (Stephanie Warner, 2004) 2003 Student Body President - Stephanie Warner Numerous students: –Ag Council and Ag Ambassadors –Band, Glee Club, Purduettes –Cheerleaders, Athletics
B.S. Degree 130 credit hours –Gen. Ed. (39) –Technical Ag (53) –Pedagogy (18) –AgEd Pedagogy (10) –Student Teaching (10) ~ 100 students –66% female –1/3 no AS&B/FFA background ~ $17,000/yr. in AgEd scholarships Responsibilities –POS –Teacher Education –Placement –Scholarship –Honors –Academic Counselor
Job Openings
Career Pathways
Agricultural Education Learning
InstructionSAE FFA InstructionWork Experience IAAE-Purdue Agricultural Education Program
Student Organization
Agricultural Education Learning Community
Courses: Undergraduate YDAE 240 “Seminar in AgEd” –Large lecture –~ 70% of students –Team taught
Courses: Undergraduate Block I “Exploring Teaching as a Career” and “Multiculturalism and Education” –AgEd students in own section –Formal field experience
Jamaica Maymester
Courses: Undergraduate YDAE 318, 319, 440, 451 –“SAE,” “Program Planning,” “Methods,” “FFA” –Early Field Experiences included
Courses: Undergraduate 441, 498E –“AgEd Field Experience,” “Student Teaching”
Courses: Undergraduate YDAE 359 –“Leadership in Developing the Ag Professional” –Open to all COA students
Courses: Graduate –540 “Program Planning” –555 “Principles of Extension Education” –565 “Principles of Adult Education” –566 “Conflict Management” –640 “Courses of Study” –642 “Seminar” –643 “Topics”
Advisory Committee Renewed in 2001 USDE Grant with CFSEd and TechEd Members represent: –IN DOE, High School, Middle School, Career and Tech Center, Production Ag, AgBusiness, Purdue COA Provides input on Undergraduate Curriculum
Future Curriculum Plans Revise the 10 weeks of Student Teaching to begin at start of Spring Semester Combine YDAE 451 into 318/319 Create 1-credit “Methods of ____” courses ASM 114 – collaboration with Ivy Tech
Agricultural Education Outreach
Agricultural Science and Business Teachers
Summer Agriculture Teacher Workshop Indiana Team AgEd –Videoconferences IAAE Website/Listserv Support IAAE Mentoring Program Professors in the Classroom Distance Education courses. Lesson Plan Library workshops
Advanced Life Science
International Efforts Costa Rica Afghanistan Middle East Jamaica
Agricultural Education Discovery
Research Interests Integration of science and agriculture Teacher effectiveness Underrepresented populations in agriculture