PD Online Network Mid-Year Check-Up December 6, 2011 With Dr. Stafford & Dr. Gibson
Doctors’ Checklist Check components are open Check implementation progress Check evaluation phase progress Marzano PD Resources 6 Topics for District PD Training Overall PD Health of Your School
Planning 1. I have opened a component for our school PD Program. 2. I need to open a component, but will need assistance with Liquid Office Form A District trainer is providing all of our school's training and already has a component opened for our school. 4. Our school only plans to cover Marzano this year, no other training content will be covered. We have notified Julie Williams of our intentions.
Learning Determining Points: Because a component is worth 60 inservice points doesn’t mean everyone gets 60 inservice points. 1.Learning time + Implementation time = Estimation of Points 2. Align to Specific Objectives you will be mastering.
Implementing Content experts should be: 1.Setting deadlines for implementation evidence to be submitted for points 2.Providing rubrics or specific guidelines for high quality implementation products 3.Collecting and reviewing all implementation products for correctness and completion 4.Providing support and assistance to those teachers needing additional practice
Evaluating Formative: 1.Ensure participants have learned and mastered the content 2.Solicit and process feedback form participants on the delivery and format of the program 3.Review implementation products for high quality standards Summative: 1.Begin to compile the ‘big picture’ on the Component Evaluation (Form 0471)
Submitting Inservice Points 1.Make sure all sign-in sheets are submitted by Friday, May 4, 2012, or after training has concluded, if earlier. 2.Submit a master Sign-In Sheet (Form 0484) with points totaled. 3.Submit your final version of the Component Evaluation (Form 0471) This will ensure that teachers recertifying will be ready to renew and allow us to contact you if there are questions.
The following delivery options are suggested for schools in order to educate their teachers in the new Teacher Observation & Evaluation System. Schools may choose to utilize any of these resources to cover the content. Regardless of which delivery option(s) the school chooses, all Marzano-related inservice points will be processed through the Department of Professional Development. Schools do not need to open the component. BE SURE THAT YOUR TEACHERS ARE COMPLETING THE RELATED IMPLEMENTATION.
1. PD Day Vodcasts IMPLEMENTATION REQUIRED: Attached to webpage 2. Marzano Book Study 0S%20PG.pdf 0S%20PG.pdf IMPLEMENTATION REQUIRED: Structured by school facilitator 3. Art & Science of Teaching Online Modules: IMPLEMENTATION REQUIRED: Embedded within modules
District Goals 6 Topics FL Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM) Common Core Next Generation SSS Response to Intervention Lesson Study School Grade/AYP Calculation Calculation AYPSubgroups
6 Topics for District PD Training FFlorida Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM) CCommon Core & NGSSS for FY12 & Implementation of Kindergarten Common Core State Standards PProblem Solving and Response to Intervention (RtI) LLesson Study SSchool Grade and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) TTargeting the Needs of Subgroups Not Making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) For deeper content learning & implementation, points may be awarded through component # FY11: FY12:
PD Website School Contacts Website Master Inservice Plan Website TrainU – School PD Sites “How To” Video : TrainU Directions for School PD Site
If you need any assistance with any of the topics reviewed today to ensure your school’s PD Health, please your PD Specialist. Kelly D'Aoust- Western Central Area Schools Sherry Gibson- South Area Schools, Delray Full Service, South Area Intensive, and District Departments Gina Stafford- Eastern Central Area Schools, Adult Education, Virtual School, and Charter Schools (exception- Western Area Charter Schools) Julie Williams- North Area Schools Diane Wyatt- West Area Schools, Alternative Education Schools and Western Area Charter Schools
Next Online Meeting Next Online Meeting will be Tuesday, February 7, Times to select from are: 8:00-9:00am 3:00-4:00pm