Bone Marrow Transplant Alyssa Goldsmith cells-research.html due-australian-stem-cell-research- legislation/494/
Some Basic Facts The procedure itself is called “bone marrow harvest”. On average, the donation procedure takes 30 to 40 hours. It takes about a few weeks for the healthy/ new cells to be “restocked”. The donor is checked into the hospital for either a day or an overnight stay. Some choose to leave the same day. The recipient and donor can be ANY age. with-patient-in-hospital-bed.html
What Are Bone Marrow Stem Cells and Why Are They Used? Bone marrow cells are a specific type of stem cells. Where are they found? How does the recipient interact with them? To assist the recipient in making their own formation of blood. What diseases can bone marrow transplants treat? Text er11/articles/summer11pg15.html
Prior to the Donation Join the Be The Match Registry®. You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your health history before anything else is done. These questions are designed to ensure that you, the donor, is eligible to donate your bone marrow.
Some Questions That May Be Asked to the Donor Some questions may include: How old are you? How healthy are you generally? Are you at risk for HIV/ AIDS or Hepatitis? Have you ever been denied the opportunity to donate blood?
Prior to the Donation Continued The tissue will be checked thoroughly, once again. It may seem to match, but it will not necessarily always be perfect. It always needs to be double checked. You would be encouraged to attend an informational session about the donation over the phone or in person. You would be mandated to have a physical exam.
What Can Bone Marrow Cells Become? White Blood Cells Red Blood Cells How bone marrow transplant is used to treat sickle cell anemia. Platelets s-an-unlimited-supply-of-blood-and- no-more-need-for-blood-donors- around-the-corner/ review-on-the-study-of-blood-and-its-different- components/ White Blood Cells Red Blood Cells Platelets
The Basic Procedure of Removing Bone Marrow Donors are put under anesthesia (by an anesthesiologist); this allows them to be put into a deep sleep. The doctor makes about less than one- fourth of an inch and do not need stitches after the procedure is finished. The donor must lie on their stomach. Bone marrow cells are taken from the pelvic bone with a Jamshidi needle.
Conditioning Therapy What is conditioning therapy? This allows the healthy cells to be used instead of the unhealthy ones. Why? What is an example of conditioning therapy?
Radiation Use Alongside Bone Marrow Stem Cells Most people do not know about the use of radiation with bone marrow transplants, regardless of it’s common use. Why and when did radiation start being used with stem cells? Dr. E Donnall Thomas “gave birth to” bone marrow transplants and the use of radiation. What role, besides just the donation of healthy cells, do the donor’s bone marrow cells play? obituary.html
Different Types of Transplants Autologous transplants Allogeneic transplants Can you still get a transplant when your siblings are not a match? How does one prepare for each type of transplant?
Now that you have learned more about the bone marrow transplant process, will you donate your cells in the future?
Works Cited "Blood & Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation: About Stem Cell Transplantation." Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Web. 07 June "Cancer Health Center." WebMD, Web. 7 June "Donation Frequently Asked Questions." U.S. Department of Health and Human Sciences, n.d. Web. 07 June "Father of Bone Marrow Transplant E. Donnall Thomas Dies at 92." Fox News. FOX News Network, 22 Oct Web. 07 June "Health History Questionnaire." National Marrow Donor Program, Web. 7 June "KidsHealth." Stem Cell Transplants. Nemours, Web. 07 June Kugler, Mary, R.N. "What Is a Bone Marrow Transplant?", Web. 07 June "Myelodysplastic Syndromes Treatment (PDQ®)." - The University of Chicago Medicine. University of Chicago, n.d. Web. 07 June Sergio Giralt, Sergio. "Video: Bone Marrow Transplantation." Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Web. 07 June "What's It Like To Donate Stem Cells?" American Cancer Society, 24 Oct Web. 07 June 2013.