Marian Thacher, OTAN
How It Works in California Funded by WIA Title II to provide services and support to adult education programs for improving programs and student learning outcomes. CALPRO: Professional Development CASAS: Assessment, Accountability, and Evaluation OTAN: Technology and Distance Learning
Why 24/7 Professional Dev.? In this climate of low/no budget for PD No travel time or cost Anyone can access any time from anywhere Easier to get information to a dispersed and fragmented staff
Why 24/7 Professional Dev? More and more education is going online Online learning is a required skill We have a new digital social environment Social networking Mobile phones User-created content Virtual worlds
What are the challenges? We need to offer timely, engaging, interactive PD opportunities Instructors and staff are getting used to online learning and interaction Matching offerings to needs without the interactions we are used to
What are the Delivery Models? Webinars, online workshops, virtual meetings Self-directed online courses Facilitated Online Courses Electronic Professional Learning Communities (e-PLCs)
What are your concerns?
Online Workshops Online workshops 37 topics Offered several times each year Some are recorded and posted
Administrators Forum, DL Forum Administrators Forum, Distance Learning Forum Live online sessions Recorded and posted for later viewing Handouts, links, support materials available
CASAS Professional Development: Spring 2010 Workshops via Web Conferencing Self-paced courses via Moodle Professional Development
Web Conferencing Over 60 Web-based topics now available CASAS Resources CASAS Implementation including e-Test California Accountability, EL Civics TOPSpro New titles with more detailed descriptions of technical concepts
Registering Registering for CASAS Webinars
California Winter ConsortiumConsortium Internet video –Debra Jones and field panel discuss WIA II performance, successful practices, and setting local performance goals Also focus on NRS Performance goals for 09-10, transitions to the workplace and post-secondary education and training Video available for viewing in early March
Webinars Two per asynchronous online course Administrators Forum series: The I‐BEST Model for Transition to Work, 2/18 CA College Transition series
Post‐Secondary Transitions Webinar Series December 1, 2009: Follow up to Institute and Summit January 26, 2010: Curriculum and Instruction February 23, 2010: Counseling and Support March 30, 2010: Collaborations and Partnerships Tuesdays from 2:30‐3:30
Moodle site for any instructor Orientation and training Networking Tech support Sharable courses coming soon Course Hosting with MoodleHosting
CASAS Self-Paced Courses 7/24 Available starting February 2010: CASAS Initial Implementation Training CASAS Beyond Implementation Training CASAS Appraisal Testing CASAS eTests Basics *New* Using Assessment for Classroom Lesson Planning *New*
CASAS Self-Paced Course
CALPRO Self-Paced Courses Orientation for New ABE Teachers Orientation for New ESL Teachers Learner Goal Setting
Questions We Considered How can we support independent learning? How can we build flexibility into the instructional design?
Learner Goal Setting in Adult Education Programs Course launched 12/1/09 In first week since announced (12/8-15), 50 adult educators have registered for the course Sample Course
CALPRO Facilitated Courses 15 classes offered on eight different topics Content experts facilitate discussions over four weeks Asynchronous format allows flexibility in accessing course content and interacting with colleagues
CALPRO Facilitated Courses Topics include Effective Lesson Planning Enhancing Learner Persistence Managing the Multilevel ESL Class Optimizing Instructional Planning: Management, Monitoring, Reflection Using Questioning Strategies to Improve Instruction
Questions We Considered What is the role of the facilitator? How is content organized? How do we accommodate different learning preferences? How can we promote learner persistence among online participants?
Understanding the Adult Learner, Session Seven other course titles available; 15 classes offered in Sample Online Course – Fall ‘09
CALPRO Facilitated Course
1. Built in cyberspace 2. Contain activities that are enabled by information technology or information communication technology 3. Participants determine content and direction 4. Relationships among PLC members evolve with communication Lin, F. et al. (2008) Characteristics of Virtual PLCs
1. Increase capacity to add and integrate new members 2. Allow sufficient time for participation 3. Pay attention to shifts in different “ecologies” 4. Notice changes in roles and responsibilities 5. Embrace and manage conflict 6. Explicitly share common practices and knowledge Correia and Davis (2008) Advice for Sustaining Virtual PLCs
Principal barriers: Access Acceptance Utilization Other factors: Lack of Time Experience Knowledge Absence of motivators McCann (2009) Most Common Barriers – e-PLCs
ABE Initiative
Group discussions Posted documents Calendar Member pages Blogs Links Photos, video Polls
Technology training and mentoring Mentors support site mentors support colleagues Site-based projects Networking and statewide connections Application available March 1 TIMAC
Web site Blog Wiki Videos TIMACTIMAC – the 24/7 part
CALPRO Tech Team (team of Connect experts who will support subject experts in developing synchronous online training) Teaching Critical Thinking (team developing synchronous online training) CALPRO’s Use of Wikis to Promote Collaboration among Development Teams
Leadership Institute wiki
Virtual Workroom for Multilevel ESL Instructors and electronic Professional Learning Community (e-PLC) Asynchronous Research-based e-PLC employs social networking tool, Ning
Content: in teaching their classes, what do adult educators of ESL most often ask for? What are their greatest challenges? Format: What technologies can best support the access and use of research-based PD in multilevel ESL instruction? How do you sustain a virtual PLC? What are the most common barriers to e-PLCs? Questions We Considered
Virtual Workroom for Multilevel ESL Instructors Portal Overview of Content
Centerpiece: New Podcast SeriesPodcast Series Audio podcast series Sample pre-listening page
Application Activities linked to e-PLC
e-PLCe-PLC using Ning (social network site):
Discussion Forums Related to CALPRO Virtual Workroom
Contact Information CALPRO – CASAS – OTAN – www. Marian Thacher