Continuing personal & professional development May 10 th, 2010 Laura Aston EMOM12 © Sport and Exercise Sciences.


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Presentation transcript:

Continuing personal & professional development May 10 th, 2010 Laura Aston EMOM12 © Sport and Exercise Sciences

Autobiography: My CPD Practice & Experience; peer observation Student: What does it look like to the student? Impact etc ‘Critical Incident questionnaire’ Peer: discussion validates our trials & successes and provides us with new perspectives Theoretical: helps us to understand our experiences by naming & describing them There are many reflective models that can be used. These include: -Brookfield - Kolb -Gibbs

Serving the needs of learners’, employers & community Roles are accompanied by responsibilities contributing to the adoption of a professional approach. Learner attendance & achievement Working in a context which is diverse & rapidly changing Being aware of and upholding current legislation & codes of practice Being aware of professional boundaries & personal limitations. As a Trainee Committed, punctual, approachable, respectful, caring etc

Core professional values In April, 2008, a ‘Code of Professional Practice’ was introduced: 1. Integrity 4. Practice 2. Respect 5. Care 3. Disclosure 6. Responsibility

Engagement in CPD Puzzle Maker: Very simple yet effective!! Must be careful not to make the puzzle to complex!

Current: (Placement) Future: (Subject Knowledge) Future: (Teaching & Learning) Future: (Policy Knowledge) -Closer to the edge -Voice gym -Bodies revealed -Observations -Safe Guarding L2 -VTCT sports massage -Coaching awards -QTLS -Subject specifications -Summer work -Functional skills training (14-19) pre 16 & post 16. -Meetings -Changes to A levels Adult education Diplomas (Sept 2010) Safeguarding ECM -Spreadsheet workshop -Communicative activity workshop -Sports workshop -Parents evening -Interactive whiteboard -Emerging technologies i.e. voting systems & whiteboard 3 x priorities: 1. Whiteboard 2. Classroom management 3. Enthusiasm 4. Knowledge of disability in sport. Update knowledge via TV (Teachers’ TV) -Free education for 19-25year olds -Skills 2020 With this I have worked on ‘tone’ & ‘pitch’ whilst on practice With this I have been able to create a variety of resources With this I would hope to use it in future ‘sport science’ positions Be aware of new syllabus, specification, delivery methods etc. I have been able to Share ideas & resources with other people (IfL; guidelines for CPD) A negative of this however, is that some resources are not that good.

Gaining QTLS (mandatory) 4. Downloaded PDF version of ‘declaration of suitability’ & complete supporting testimony 3. Confirmation of numeracy & literacy skills (uploaded on REFLECT). 1.Completion of PGCE (June) 2.Expression on intent (Sept 1 – Oct 31)

Gaining QTLS (personalised) 1. Subject Specialist knowledge (uploaded on REFLECT): To complete: 2. Knowledge of teaching/learning 3. Self-evaluation (S.W.O.T) 4. Professional development planning 5. Reflective practice.

QA and QI systems & Procedures QUALITY ASSURANCE is concerned with… Checking, monitoring & maintenance of courses. This involves evaluation checks at the end of a topic, module or session. There is also an end of course report. QUALITY INFORMATION is important for.... Legal & funding reasons. Also valuable in QA discussions. Data includes; recruitment, retention & achievement. This data is Discussed in end of year course reports. Evaluations (end of a lesson). How well individual topics went. Order of topics within a module. Acceptable grading for a pass, merit or Distinction. Individual learner progress (portfolios). Recruitment (interviews/open days), retention ( s, texting, phoning), achievement (portfolios), Attendance (registers).

References Coles, A., (2004). Teaching in Post-compulsory Education; Policy, Practice and Values. 1st ed. London: David Fulton. Hillier, Y., (2002) Reflective teaching in Further and Adult Education. 1 st ed. London: Continuum. Petty, G., (2009). Teaching Today: A Practical Guide. 4th ed. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Reece, I. & Walker, S., (2007). Teaching, training & learning. A practical guide. 6th ed revised. Tyne and Wear: Business Education Publishers Ltd. The Institute for Learning REfLECT: your learning space. Available at: [Accessed 26 April 2010].