TECHNICAL TRAINING COURSE B Jordi Seriols i Pla Castelló de la Plana
Who am I? jsp
Who are you? jsp
What are we doing here? jsp
SESSION OBJECTIVES Getting acquainted with the teacher and the group. Knowing the main features of the course. Solving doubts (if possible). Practicing oral and written English. jsp
SESSION CONTENTS Preliminary questions Find someone who… Course objectives, contents and calendar Exams Questions jsp
Preliminary questions Methodological course vs. Language course. Language requirements: B2 Teachers interested in learning / teaching through English. “Ordre del 5 d’octubre de 2009” jsp
ADMINISTRATIVE CERTIFICATIONS TO IMPART SUBJECT IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE “Certificat de Capacitació en Llengües Estrangeres” allows the holder to impart in a foreign language non-linguistic subjects in non-university educative levels. Infant and Primary Education Secondary Education Baccalaureate and Technical Training Adult Education jsp
FIND SOMEONE WHO… 1. Doesn’t smoke. 2. Is taller than you. 3. Likes cooking. 4. Plays a musical instrument. 5. Hasn’t been outside the Valencian Community this Christmas holidays. 6. Was born the same month as you. 7. Whose name begins as yours. 8. Teaches the same subject as you. 9. Travels to an English speaking country every year. 10. Speaks four languages. 11. Doesn’t like paella. 12. Reads poetry books. jsp
Course objectives (I) Knowing the general organization of Valencian educative system and the legal framework, with special attention to bilingual and multilingual education programs and the school planning documents that develop them. Learning the implementation of organization and didactic measures to achieve the linguistic objectives through the application of language acquisition basis in each context, process planning and the diversification of treatments for the different languages. Knowing and applying ICT resources for language learning. Knowing about the common reference levels in the Common European Framework of Reference (CFE / MECR). jsp
Course objectives (II) Developing programs and activities for language and content integrated learning (CLIL) from a plurilingual perspective. Producing discourses in a formal variety to participate in communicative interactions in order to manage the didactic action and the social administrative relations at school. Achieving the necessary level of competence in the school vehicular languages to allow the pupils to produce oral and written texts with coherence, cohesion and adequacy to the different communicative situations produced in the classroom and at school. Developing criteria and analyzing productions that allow apprehension of subject specific terminology and phraseology. jsp
Course contents I. Language integrated learning (LIL) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL). II. Secondary school specific languages. III. Information and Communication Technologies applied to learning. jsp
Course units (I) Unit 1: Introduction to learning curriculum concepts through the medium of another language (CLIL). Unit 2: Education in a multilingual society. Policy for developing second and third languages as media for learning. Unit 3. The bilingual and multilingual educational programs. Legal framework. Organizational and pedagogical mangement documents. Unit 4. The Common European Reference Framework. Unit 5. An additive approach to planning in plurilingual classrooms. Language acquisition research. Unit 6: Sociolinguistics and multiculturalism. jsp
Course units (II) Unit 7. Didactic approaches. Unit 8. Teaching and learning styles. Supportive strategies and vocabulary building. The cognitive approach. Unit 9. Teaching languages and thinking skills. Unit 10. CLIL lesson planning. Unit 11. Cooperative learning environments. Task based learning and project based learning. Unit 12. Learning styles and differentiated instruction theory. Unit 13. ICT and education. jsp
Calendar 1 introductory session (today) 13 units: January: 17 th, 24 th, 31 st. February: 7 th, 14 th, 21 st, 28 th. March: 6 th, 20 th, 27 th. April: 3 rd, 17 th, 24 th. All the sessions are on Tuesday, and take 2h 45min. Exam session: May 26th (Saturday) Attendance is compulsory. Those who don’t attend the 85% of the sessions can’t take the final exam. jsp
Exams (I) Oral test: You will choose between two topics proposed by examiner. You can prepare a brief scheme to help you. You are going to talk for 5 minutes. The examiner will not ask questions, he can participate to guide the talk but will not make corrections. The items which are being taken into account are: Linguistic correction: pronunciation, vocabulary (standard use, register adequacy, barbarisms, others), morphosyntax (verbal timing, connectors, pronominalizations, others) Textual correction Textual correction: cohesion and textual coherence, paralinguistic aspects (volume, speed, gestures, repetitions,others) Content: does the speech respond to the goal? jsp
Oral exam sample questions Explain the benefits of an education system with three vehicular languages (Spanish and Valencian co-oficial and English as a foreign language). What does making an integrated language and content mean? Relate the following concepts: interdisciplinary, integrated learning of languages and subject area coordination. Analyze the sociolinguistic reality of your school and relate it to the status of Valencian in the education system, particularly in your school. What is the importance of evaluation in the process of writing a text when it is done all along the process opposed to only at the end? jsp
Exams (II) Written test: Choose two of the three proposals. Write the texts (250 words each) Each text has a rating of 50 points: 14 points for adequacy 12 for cohesion 12 for coherence 12 for content 1 point will be deducted for each grammatical mistake. Both parts of the exam must be passed. jsp
Written exam sample questions Based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a tool for learners, enabling them to plan and manage their own learning of language. What is the main target of the ELP and how would you relate it and the assessment of the language learning process? CLIL and ICT. What do they mean? Could you link them to the process of linguistic learning in Secondary Education? Could you be specific about the language and the content? The Linguistic Immersion Program in Primary Education and the future Plurilingual Program in Secondary Education might have things in common. Keeping in mind the transition from the Linguistic Immersion Program, could you outline the main features of an appropriate Plurilingual Program in your school? Explain why a standard variety is necessary and why its definition can be a source of trouble in a society like ours, where different languages are in constant contact and where new languages are introduced in our school system. Design an activity for the subject field that you teach. Add an instructive text for students about how to do it. It should include objectives, guidelines for the development of the task and evaluation criteria. jsp
CLIL Competences grid What should I be able to do when I get my Certification to teach through English? What should I be able to do when I get my Certification to teach through English? jsp
FOR MORE INFORMATION asp asp 012 jsp
DEBATE ON TOPIC Would you like to start a multilingual programme in your school? How would you do it? What results could you expect?
Thank you. See you next Tuesday.