English Language Development Summer Institute 2012
Jan King Region 8 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Beth Edwards Region 1 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Julian Wilson Region 4 Instructional Technology Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Glenda Harrell ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Ivanna Mann Thrower ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction ESL Website
Web Tool: Penzu 1.Launch your Penzu account 2.Watch the video at or read the PDF at GETTING+STARTED+WITH+PENZU.pdf to learn about how your Penzu journal works! GETTING+STARTED+WITH+PENZU.pdf
Housekeeping Sign-in Parking Lot Breaks/Lunch Norms
Can We Agree? A ppreciation for one another E xchange ideas freely I nfluence what we can O pportunity to reflect U nite in purpose
Web References NC DPI Title III/ESL Website ELD Summer Institute Resources WIDA ESL LinguaFolio Training Modules
Technology Disclaimer The digital tools used during the course of the NCDPI Summer Institute 2012 have been helpful to some educators across the state. However, due to the rapidly changing digital environment, NCDPI does not represent nor endorse that these tools are the exclusive digital tools for the purposes outlined during the Summer Institute.
Learning Strands Data Literacy How to find, evaluate, and use data to inform instruction. Knowledge to gather, analyze, and graphically convey data to support decision-making. Connecting to Serve All Universal Design for Learning English Language Learners Academically and Intellectually Gifted RTI Problem-Solving Model Digital Literacy Embedded tools and resources Connections to Information and Technology Standards
Goals of ELD Summer Institute Practice strategies that integrate a variety of curricular resources for lesson preparation. Explore data literacy to inform practices for ELLs. Consider formative assessment that engages all students, including ELLs. Expand understanding and use of cognitively demanding language functions for instruction. Identify strategies and approaches that meet the needs of all students. Make connections between instructional practices and the teacher evaluation.
Carolina TESOL Compassionate And Realistic Expectations for ESOL Students Do you like free things? Join us as mainstream and ESOL teachers collaborate to use proven strategies to increase academic proficiency during this one day conference. Sessions are designed to energize you with new ideas and hands-on strategies that you can put to work for your program and students. Sessions promise to be interactive and are sure to help expand your knowledge on a variety of topics related to content literacy, family involvement and an adult education strand. All teachers like free.....SEND 3 teachers and the 4 th comes for free. Breakfast is free, lunch is free, and there are free afternoon snacks. Lots and lots of free door prizes. UPSTATE, SC Laurens - June 26, 2012 CARE EASTERN, NC Thomasville - July 31,2012 CARE WESTERN, NC Asheville - September 8th CARE WESTERN, NC Charlotte - September 15th