Badminton National Curriculum Attainment Level Key Black – Developing Skills (DS) Pink – Making and Applying Decisions (MAD) Blue – Evaluate and Improve (E & I) Red – Developing physical and mental capacity (PMC) Orange – Making informed choices about healthy active lifestyles (CHAL)
Badminton National Curriculum Attainment Level 3 I can perform some of the basic skills. I can return the shuttle efficiently. I can predominantly play overhead clear shots, only slightly moving my opponent around the court. I have some idea of the defensive and attacking shots. I can identify some of the strengths and weaknesses in my performance. I have the confidence to attempt skills I have the physical ability to play a game against an opponent of a similar ability I know that exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle. I can follow a warm up and cool down safely using suitable activities.
Badminton National Curriculum Attainment Level 4 I have some knowledge of basic team tactics. I am reasonably competent in certain shots in badminton. I am able to use variety of serving techniques and return to mid court. I know the scoring rules of badminton. I can contribute to the game in doubles although it may be rather minimal. I can use some of the correct technique terms to improve performance. I want to improve my skills and knowledge of tactics, I can assess my performance and this makes me a reflective learner. I can maintain physical effort throughout an hours lesson I understand that exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle. I can follow a warm up and cool down safely using suitable activities by myself.
Badminton National Curriculum Attainment Level 5 I can perform the smash with good consistency and fluency. I can demonstrate the ability to use forehand and backhand drives. I can demonstrate the correct techniques in defending and attacking my court. I have some understanding of doubles tactics. I can identify strengths and weaknesses of mine and others performances, giving feedback and ideas to improve. This makes me a creative thinker. I have a strong desire to improve I react quickly to my opponents shot and maintain my effort I can lead a warm up and cool down session. I can explain why exercise is important to my health and fitness.
Badminton National Curriculum Attainment Level 6 When playing attacking shots, I can demonstrate good technique as well as the ability to deceive my opponent by scoring a point. I am able to display reliability when defending my court. I know the role of an umpire and can evaluate the decisions made by him/her. This makes me an independent enquirer. I can give more detailed feedback to improve performance and analyse. I want to continue to improve my game to get to a level 7 I have sufficient strength, flexibility, speed and stamina to maintain a good performance I am able to lead a safe warm up and cool down, stretching the correct areas of the body for badminton. I understand how badminton can benefit a person’s health and fitness.
Badminton National Curriculum Attainment Level 7 I have a very high level of variation play. I can show a high level of attacking proficiency using smash and drop shots to good effect. I know the rules of badminton and rarely make mistakes. I can make an outstanding contribution to the game. I have very good knowledge of team tactics and positional play. I have the desire to achieve success and will personally seek improvement and continue to challenge myself. This makes me a self-manager I have sufficient strength, flexibility, speed and stamina to maintain a good performance I know which of the major muscles to stretch for badminton I understand why we warm up and cool down. I can describe how badminton benefits health and fitness and can share this information with a small group.