The Curriculum Framework for ICT [QTT Standards 2.1c, 2.1d, 2.2] October 2005
The National Curriculum values, aims and purposes programmes of study attainment targets/level descriptions other requirements: RE, sex ed, careers ed. non-statutory framework for PSHE spiritual, moral, social & cultural development key skills thinking skills ‘other aspects’
Values Introductory statement: p.10 National Forum for Values in Education and the Community. Statement of values: p Aims 1.Provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve 2. Promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life
Purposes 1.To establish an entitlement 2.To establish standards 3.To promote continuity and coherence 4. To promote public understanding
Programmes of study Set out what pupils should be taught in each subject at each key stage, and provide a basis for planning schemes of work. 4 general teaching requirements: INCLUSION (p 32-39) USE OF LANGUAGE (writing, speaking, listening, reading) USE OF ICT across the curriculum HEALTH AND SAFETY (science, D&T, ICT, PE)
English Mathematics Science D&T ICT History Geography MFL Art & Design Music PE Citizenship
Programme of Study for ICT Knowledge, skills and understanding Finding things out Developing ideas and making things happen Exchanging and sharing information Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses Breadth of study
Attainment Targets and Level Descriptions Knowledge, skills and understanding which pupils of different abilities and maturities are expected to have by the end of each key stage Levels for ‘the great majority of pupils’: KS1: 1-3 KS2: 2-5 KS3: 3-7 level 8 + ‘Exceptional performance’
Other mandatory requirements: RE must be provided for all registered pupils. Sex Education must be provided; parent can withdraw their children from all or part of the provision. Careers Education must be provided for years 9, 10 and 11; encouraged before year 9 and in 6 th form
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (p. 21) Personal, Social and Health Education [PSHE] ‘ NON-STATUTORY FRAMEWORK’ Sex and Relationships Guidance Citizenship: statutory requirement (from 2002)
Key Skills Communication Application of number Information technology Working with others Improving own learning and performance Problem solving Embedded in the National Curriculum
Thinking skills Information-processing Reasoning Enquiry Creative thinking Evaluation Complement the key skills; embedded in the NC
Other aspects to be promoted Financial capability (maths, PSHE, citizenship) Enterprise and entrepreneurial skills Work-related learning Education for sustainable development (geography, science, PSHE, citizenship)
QCA Schemes of Work schemes of work subject list ICT at key stage 3 one way that the ICT programme of study can be interpreted for the classroom optional scheme for teaching help schools to improve standards complete key stage plan, including bridging unit
YEAR 7 1.Using ICT (bridging unit with KS2) 2.Information and presentation 3.Processing text and images 4.Models: rules and investigations 5.Data: designing structure, capturing and presenting data 6.Control: input, process and output 7.Measuring physical data YEAR 8 8.Public information systems 9.Publishing on the web 10.Information: reliability, validity and bias 11.Data: use and misuse 12. Systems: integrating applications to find solutions
YEAR 9 13.Control systems 14.Global communications: negotiating and transferring data 15.Systems: managing a project TEACHER’S GUIDE UNITS OF WORK * downloadable from the Standards website as Word or PDF files
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Framework for teaching ICT capability: years 7, 8 & 9 3 themes: Finding things out Developing ideas and making things happen Exchanging and sharing information Critical feature integrated into each theme: Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses
Introduction The ICT curriculum at Key Stage 3 Yearly teaching objectives for ICT Planning Teaching and learning Using ICT across the curriculum (ICTAC) Assessment and target setting Responsibilities for ICT Inclusion and differentiation Other KS3 National Strategy Guidance eg. 2004: Assessment for Learning (AfL)