VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD 1 Effective Vocational Rehabilitation Programs for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders Part Two – Featuring POW&R July 18, :30 PM CDT Funded by NIDRR, US Department of Education, PR# Funded by NIDRR, US Department of Education, PR# H133A © 2011 by SEDL A Webcast Sponsored by SEDL
Serving Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders through Vocational Rehabilitation 2
Mission and History Autism Delaware was created by a group of parents in 1998 who wanted better connections with each other and better services for their children. Delaware offered a good school program, so parents focused on adult services and conducted a best practice study on services for adults in
Mission and History Executive Director with a VR and Supported Employment Background Developed a business plan and applied to be a service provider. 2 staff were hired in June and July, 2007 Services started in August 2007 with 3 participants Began to provide services to 4 transition students in September and hired 2 additional staff during the fall/winter. 4
Effectiveness in individuals were served through mixed funding Placements of 90 days or longer: – Competitive employment=4 – Supported employment=8 – Not meeting placement criteria=3 Placements were either in the clerical/sales or service industries with a pay range of $ /hr. Job Placement Success rate of 80% (12 of 15 consumers) 5
Where we are today July 2011 Currently serving 30 people altogether 19 are in supported employment coming through DVR or DDDS 5 DVR referrals are in various stages of community assessment, work readiness training, placement and onsite services. 6 are DD participants 6
How did we get here? Autism Delaware’s Role Board members with vision and dedication Experienced director with knowledge of both autism spectrum disorders and vocational rehabilitation services Ability to raise funds for start up costs Collaboration to adapt the state model to fit our population 7
How did we get here? State Role Early Start to Supported Employment The State of Delaware, led by DVR in collaboration with DOE and DDDS and an adult provider, offers a unique transition program. Key components are: Sharing information over the last year of school with the current IEP team and families Introduce change slowly over a year. Individuals with ASDs do not change easily. DVR provides milestone funding during the final year of school. DDDS picks up long term support for supported employment DOE provides “gap” funding between the end of school and September 1, when the DD agency picks up funding. 8
Early Start Timeline DDDS application submitted Service Provider Chosen DVR Intake Assessment Report submitted DevelopmentPlacement30 day retentionStabilizationClosure December of Junior Year May of Junior Year September of Senior Year Before January Post assessment meeting By May of Senior Year 4 weeks after placement 3 months after placement 3 months after stabilization We like to be invited to IEP and/or transition meeting as soon as a family is interested in POW&R POW&R will continue to gather information from the team DVR, DDDS,school, family and POW&R meet to discuss transition to work and adult life. This is the time to put a plan in place for life at 21. Assessments are scheduled Complete formal and informal assessment. This is a period of relationship building, both in the classroom, community settings, and with the family. POW&R, individuals, families, and the school team work collaboratively to identify community partners and share supports needs and strategies for a successful placement The team identified in previous section secures employment, and implements the necessary supports and resources for the participant to be successful Continue to provide services to assist the participant to be successful. School staff will begin to fade. POW&R staff and natural supports are in place. Successful employment and closure of DVR case 9
Business Partners ING Direct Center for Maternal and Fetal Medicine of Christiana Care Christiana Care Health Services AI Hospital/Sodexo Dollar Tree 5 Below Dr. Palmers Chiropractic Digital Office Solutions Burger King Miller Beverage Center TJ Maxx 10
Challenges Understanding autism Time (it takes our folks longer to meet milestones) Staffing:matching staff and people, levels and pay Assess how each person’s autism effects his/her ability to be productive Educating the service and business community Keeping people safe in the community Ensuring that people are productive 11
How to develop jobs andopportunities for adults with autism? Job placement must be a win-win for both the individual and the employer. Must match the skills and personality of the participant with the opportunities and supports of the business partner. Work within your network of board, family and current employers Train your staff to build relationships by being responsive to the participant and employer needs Understand the environment of potential community partners (is it a social environment, is it a formal environment) 12
Why are we successful? The service is person-centered and autism centered. We go above and beyond our reimbursement rates. 13
Success Stories 14
Future Goals Expand statewide Improve services to adults with Asperger Improve behavioral/communication supports 15
Contact Information POW&R 924 Old Harmony Road, Suite 201 Newark, DE Phone: FAX: Contact: Katina Demetriou 16
Appendices History of VR Referrals 17
History of VR Referrals 17 Early Start to Supported Employment referrals -15 closed successfully earning from $7.25 to $12.50/hr. - 1 reached stabilization - 1 did not meet placement criteria -All 15 who have been successfully closed continue to work. 13 are in the same placement 2 have had opportunities to get a higher paying job 18
History of VR Referrals 15 Competitive referrals -11 were placed -8 were closed successfully earning from $ $11/hr. -6 have retained their positions. 1 had been laid off and 1 is unknown. 19