Dr. Bill East, Executive Director October 17, 2009
NASDSE operates for the purpose of providing services to state agencies to facilitate their efforts to maximize educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
17 staff at Alexandria, VA office Several part-time contracted staff Many MOA’s for targeted work
Washington Updates Bill’s Notes NASDSE Works! Newsletter Surveys Participation in RRCP Meetings Websites Publications Membership Meetings
NASDSE staff representation on advisory boards, advisory groups, task forces, etc. Government relations Other organizations, groups, individuals, etc.
New Directors Academy Mentorship Program
Supporting States Through Networking Opportunities
IDEA Partnership Personnel Improvement Center Project Forum National Center on Education Outcomes (sub) National Post School Outcomes (sub)
Four National Communities of Practice ◦ NCLB/IDEA (RtI), Transition, School Behavioral Health, Autism ◦ Potentially a 5 th on Creating Agreement Professional Development Library Bridging Tools ◦ Collections, Dialogue Guides, Virtual Mentoring
Worked with 12 states in YR1 Refocusing on 8 states in Y2 ◦ 4 of those 8 states with intensive services Redoing website ◦ Ongoing collaboration with the National Coalition on Personnel Shortages ◦ On Facebook – working to attract younger audiences
Principal Preparedness Forum in November webinar Spring 2010 Forum on ARRA Summer 2010 Forum on Virtual K-12 New Publications: Superintendent Leadership: Promoting General and Special Education Collaboration Response to Intervention: Select State Programs Serving Students with Disabilities in State-level Virtual K-12 Public School Programs
Professional Development (Satellite) Series Youth/Young Adult Initiative Government Relations Work
Seclusion and Restraint: The Impact of Federal and State Policy on the Classroom Beginning Friday October 9, 2009 Healthy, Physically Fit and Ready for Action: Addressing the Physical Education and Activity Needs of Individuals with Disabilities Beginning Friday December 4, 2009 Connecting Educational Standards to Student Learning Plans Beginning Friday March 19, 2010 Policy to the Classroom Beginning Friday May 7, 2010
Meaningfully involving youth and young adults with disabilities at the local, state and national levels in the policy and practices that affect their lives. NASDSE Promotes Youth/Young Adult Panels, Forums, Shared Participation in National Conferences ◦ Speakers bureau of youth/young adults connected to state work
IDEA implementation/reauthorization NCLB implementation/reauthorization ◦ includes assessment, mental health, RtI, PBS, UDL initiatives FY 09/10 appropriations Economic recovery (e.g. stimulus) Medicaid regulations Administration/Congressional Collaboration
Staff, Outsource CPA prepare draft budget for review by Director and Sec-Treasurer Board of Directors reviews and approves annual budget Board receives interim reports comparing approved budget to actual outcome
NASDSE staff works directly with outside CPA and staff (Goodman & Co) to maintain and monitor internal accounting records Goodman & Co compiles interim financial statements for review by the Director and the Board of Directors Annual financial statements subjected to an Independent Audit by Kositzka & Wicks Company, CPAs
Income Sources 2009 Budget and Outcome 2010 Budget