Evaluation Challenges in Pakistan Getting to Results: Evaluation Capacity Building and Development IDEAS Global Assembly Khadija Khan
Introduction Part I contains: Objective of the paper Definitions (as used in the paper) Evaluation Scenario in Pakistan Conventional Project Planning Cycle Alternate Approach Main issues in Development Monitoring and Evaluation Part II contains: Strategy to address the issues Awareness Framework Proposed Implementation Plan Part III contains: A Brief Introduction of Pakistan Evaluation Network - PEN This paper consists of three parts
Objective To describe the evaluation scenario in Pakistan, identify issues and draw some conclusions for future action.
Definitions Monitoring is a practice through which programme/project progress is tracked, problems are identified and corrective measure taken, usually with shorter turn around time so as to keep the work going in the right direction. Evaluation is a systematic assessment of various aspects of the programme/project to reach some conclusions about the performance as well as success or failure of the programme/project. Efficiency Effectivenes s
Evaluation Scenario in Pakistan Dependence on financial and technical assistance from UN/Int’l Agencies, IFIs Under-funded Public Sector Development Programme PSDP Information Gaps on critical socio-economic indicators Bureaucratic System at Federal, Provincial and District levels Scanty Monitoring and Evaluation Institutional Infrastructure Lack of awareness, Knowledge and Skills Lack of Efficiency and Aid Effectiveness
Facts and Figures Source: WB Website MDGs Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) School enrolment, secondary (% gross) School enrolment, secondary, female (% gross) School enrolment, secondary, male (% gross) School enrolment, primary (% gross) School enrolment, primary, male (% gross) School enrolment, primary, female (% gross) Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000) Maternal mortality ratio (modelled estimate, per 100,000 live births) Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49).. Improved water source (% of population with access) Notice Blanks!
Source: WB Website Facts and Figures Notice Blanks!
Conventional Project Planning 5- Major steps: Feasibility Study Project Planning Implementation (including monitoring and mid-term evaluation) Completion Evaluation These steps are called PC I, II, III, IV and V What is missing? (Information/ feedback loop) PIs Assumptions
Alternate Approach Single/Double Loop Feedback Polices and Objectives Corrective Measures Performance
Introducing Alternate Approach Main Issues: Conceptual Clarity Institutional framework Capacities Financial resources Attitude Commitment
Example: Institutional Infrastructure Three Key Sectors Office of Auditor General Planning Division Monitoring Cell Security and Exchange Commission Development Sector PSDP / Non-Profit Corporate Sector Public Sector a.Registered Audit Firms b.Legal Framework c.Rules and Regulations d.Standards e.Mechanisms f.Resources g.Capacities All this is missing in the Development Sector
Strategy for Alternate Approach 4-dimentional approach to cover the journey from awareness to innovation
Implementation Plan Vetting strategy by stakeholders Mobilizing funding Preparing information packages Conducting systematic multi level training Developing M&E designs by participants for their respective projects Implementation of M&E design and feedback Encouraging and facilitating peer-to-peer contact Developing virtual M&E infrastructure using various information sources available, specially internet
Enhancing Action Continue policy advocacy with the Government to address M&E issues
Pakistan Evaluation Network A professional, voluntary and apolitical evaluation network in Pakistan Established in 2004 Present Membership : 56 members 10 directors Knowledge Management, Capacity Building and Networking on M&E Linked with ENSA at regional and IOCE at international levels