IRRV Financial Inclusion Workshop Strategic Financial Inclusion Champion Bristol and Gloucestershire….. …………………..and ex Benefit Manager.
Objectives Understand what we mean by Financial Inclusion How Welfare Reform may affect FI issues and Revenues/Benefits Services Wider World Update
What is financial inclusion? Access to banking facilities Access to affordable loans; alternatives to high cost/ illegal money lending. Increasing Financial Capability. Provision and take up of Home Contents Insurance Access to face to face debt advice
Bank Account take up Any type of account 97% Current Account –Generally 92%, –Single Parent 82%
Literacy Levels England 16% Entry Level Understands short straightforward texts on familiar topics accurately and independently Level expected of an 11-year-old (national curriculum levels 3-4)
Reforms LHA capping and reduction to 30% of Median Non dependant deduction uprating Shared room rate increased to 35years 10% rate cut for JSA claimants 12 months plus Universal Credit
Explanations IT system letters –Rent, LHA rate, eligible rent, anniversary date. –Mass produced vs Manual –Customer Service Centre –Sample letters to LL’s, advice agencies etc
Payment of Small amounts Increased Non-dep deductions, Council Tax, 30% percentile top up, 10% JSA Standing Order Social Housing closing of cash offices Access to bank accounts Letter of ID
…End Cheque payment Expensive and time consuming Non receipt of cheque What does a claimant then do with it ID cards, cashing etc BACS LHA safeguard
Universal Credit Where is it going to be paid? –Future of Post Office Card Account –Money Management –Recovery –Payment to Social Housing providers
National Update FIF funding ends March Nearly 500 less debt advisors Ending of LA grant ring fence Child Poverty Agenda Worklessness
Locally Corporate Debt Policies Credit Unions – full coverage –Financial Capability duty –Easier access to banking Fin cap forums, working groups