1 PROVINCIAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT CENTRE(PEACE) Bureau of Curriculum and Extension & Extension Centre Quetta.
2 Provincial Education Assessment Center (PEACE) Location Directorate Bureau of Curriculum and Extension Center Balochistan Quetta. Date of Establishment June, 2003 Total Cost: M
Normally it is not an assessment of individual students, teachers or schools It is not a school or public examination for promotion or selection It is an objective process for monitoring student learning achievement on a sample basis. The process of collecting, synthesizing and interpreting information to aid in decision making. What is National Assessment ?
117 Purpose of National /Provincial assessment To improve the quality of education through: providing feedback to improve the quality of services in education (curriculum, textual material, and teachers’ delivery); monitoring how the education system is performing; introducing realistic standards; identifying correlates of achievement; providing information to policy makers for effective interventions;
Level:Grade-IV & VIII Subjects:Languages, Maths, Social Studies and Science Assessment Schedule YearGrade & SubjectTest Type 2004 Grade 4 (Math, LanguagesPilot Testing 2005 Grade 4 (Math, Languages) Grade 4 (Social Studies, Science) Large Scale Testing Pilot Testing 2006 Grade 4 (Math, Languages, Social Studies, General Science) Grade 8 (Social Studies, Science) Large Scale Testing Pilot Testing 2007 Grade 8 (Math, Languages) Grade 8 (Social Studies, Science) Large Scale Testing Pilot Testing 2008 Grade 4 (Math, Languages, Social Studies, Science) Grade 8 (Math, Languages, Social Studies, Science) Large Scale Testing
Implementation of Assessment Activities Test Framework (based on National Curriculum) and Competency Development Test Specification Tables Item Writing and Test Construction Sample Selection (Stratified Random) Development of Test Administration Training Manual and Training of Test Administrators Composing, Printing and Distribution of Assessment Material Administration and Monitoring of Assessment Activity Management of Assessment Material, Marking, Coding and Data Entry Analysis and Report Writing Dissemination
8 Staff Statement S#DesignationTotal No. FilledVacant 1Director BOC &EC/ PEACE 01Filled 2DD(PEACE)01Filled 3System Analyst01Filled 4Assessment Analyst01Filled 5Subject Specialist04Filled 6Account officer01Vacant 7Computer operator01Filled
9Achievements Conducted National pilot testing in subject of Mathematics, Urdu, Science and SS Conducted National Large Scale testing in subject of Mathematics, Urdu, Science and SS for grade IV and VIII through out province Training imparted SRO,SSS,SS from BOC &EC, PITE, School Teachers in the field of assessment and test item construction according to competencies
10 Continued Marked, scored and coded answer scripts for NLST Disseminated the finding and results of National Assessment and published the report for stakeholder conference Involvement the staffs of PEACE, BOC &EC and PITE in Item writing and test Administrators training at NEAS Trained almost 1200 Test Administrators for the test Administration
11 Training got abroad and in country S#Program NameNo.DurationInstitute 1MA(Assessment & Evaluation) 0101 yearMelbourne (Aus) 2M.Ed(Sandwich)0101 YearIER and Melbourne 3M.Ed in Assessment & Evaluation 0301 YearIER Panjab Uni 4Item construction0201 Month ACER (Aus)
12 On Going Activities Conduct the Base line Assessment study 2010 of Unicef focused districts Training of test Administrators Data entry and data analysis Report writing Training the test Administrators of the ED-LINKS focused districts Dissemination of findings among different stakeholders
13 Capacity required in Frame work development Item writing and item analysis Data entry and file creation Sampling Data analysis Report writing
14 Challenges Recognition of the importance of NEAS/PEACE assessment activities Slow response from district government Lack coordination among the Text Book Board Examination Board and institutes of teacher educators Lack of planning and coordination among organs of NEAS/PEACE Sustainability of Trained staff No allocation of regular budget for assessment activities
15 Recommendation (Future) Periodical assessment at terminal stage of classes(V,VIII,IX, X) Include English subject in assessment Additional posts may be created of SS for English, dissemination officer and Psychometrician Introduce Curriculum based assessment Some incentive for the staff to promote sustainability and avoid deficiency of the skill person Sound and fair policy should be made regarding the posting and transfer in PEACE Guiding role of NEAS To participate international Assessment study Like TIMSS to compare the performance with other countries Conduct item writing workshop for school teachers at district level
16 Next Steps Filled the vacant posts and adjust trained and expert staff in NEAS/PEACE Capacity building of the NEAS/PEACE staff Conduct Assessment study Coordinate the Text book board, examination boards, institutes of teacher education etc Disseminate the findings at grass root level