Communication and understanding language is the foundation to learning Communication is not just talking All behavior is communication Many students with autism have strong visual systems (see Temple Grandins work) We as teachers talk “way too much” to students with ASD Communication should almost always be honored with a response Use of boardmaker, google images or clip art
Pictoral schedules Predictable Scanned quickly Faded slowly/systematically Must be adhered to whenever possible Large full day schedules should go vertical Within a specific class time go left to right Odom et al. (2003) defined the reason for the use of visuals as, “visual supports are visual cues that may prompt or remind children to engage in a behavior or prepare them for another activity”
Why does my student …. Throw themselves on the floor Bite their hand Hit them self Hide in the corner Spin Cry when class is over Not want to play near others Talk when I am trying to give directions You can fill in the ____________________
Understanding what is the function of specific behaviors helps direct instructional techniques/strategies as well as curriculum (functional behavioral analysis) Escape (wrong sensory feedback-lights or noise, not forecasting, not desired activity) To gain attention (of staff, other students) To gain object/activity To gain or decrease sensory stimulation ** Many students with autism have a functional behavior analysis (FBA) and a Behavior Intervention plan (BIP) in their IEP. The FBA defines the behavior, what is happening right before the behavior (antecedent), where is it happening (setting event), for how long. How is the behavior currently resolved. The BIP takes the most pressing behaviors and brings action to how to positively resolve the behaviors.
Behavior escape/withdrawn Too much noise (fireman headphones) Undesired activity- use premack principle first………then Bored- variable tasks( keep the environment changing) Of no interest to them- find motivators
To gain….. Your attention- try a social story about how to gain attention Your attention- set up a positive reward Wants a desired piece of equipment- do first….then or a schedule Others attention- teach play skills Throwing fits about winning/losing- social story Wants control of the environment- allow for choice making
The premack principle 1 also called 1 st … then Using boardmaker
To increase or decrease sensory Use textured equipment Use equipment which they desire (maybe a certain color, holes in it, certain feel) Have a designated quiet area Take scheduled breaks Perform heavy work
What to do when on break? How long will the break be? What are the expectations while on break. How am I to transition back to activity? Using boardmaker
Life has rules… The rules of the class The rules of how to interact with others The rules of how to react to your emotions The rules of dealing with frustrating situations The rules of when things change for the unexpected
Social story about wearing goggles in hockey Using boardmaker ayer- All the social story information is based on the work of Carol Gray see
Social Stories Purpose: To share social information in a personal and meaningful way to a student. To target accepted behaviors, strategies and techniques to help a student improve their independence and abilities in social situations. Ultimately to improve independence, interactions with others and other social behaviors in day to day activities. To become fully apart of a community. All the social story information is based on the work of Carol Gray see
Basketball is fun!! All the social story information is based on the work of Carol Gray see
Social Stories should be written…….. In 1st person (younger children) In 3rd person (older children/young adults) In positive behaviors (I will try…) rather than (don’t) To students’ reading and comprehension level By replacing “trigger” words for students By using visuals when appropriate (digital photos,boardmaker) To answer the who questions All the social story information is based on the work of Carol Gray see