Supported Employment and Social Enterprise Perfect Partners?


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Presentation transcript:

Supported Employment and Social Enterprise Perfect Partners?

Voluntary Organisation and registered charity. Parents and carers organisation established in Service users involved at strategic and implementation level. Currently offer services to over 250 young people and adults per annum with learning disability and Autistic Spectrum Disorder in South and East Belfast.

Vision A just Society that celebrates human differences, creates opportunity and accommodates choice for all. Mission Statement Working in Partnership to prepare people with learning disability for employment and greater independence Strands to our service: Employment & Skills&Social Economy

The Orchardville Company Ltd

Direct Mail Contract Packing Digital Print Graphic Design Internet Fulfilment Database Creation Data Entry

Employment Programmes ESF Employment Programme School Transition Service (16 – 19) ABLE (Autism: Building Links to Employment) Workable NDDP

Skills Delivered internally or sourced externally to enhance employability Independent Travel Inclusive First Aid Essential Skills Provision Money Management NVQ’s Retail, Hospitality and Administration Social & Communication Skills All internally delivered qualifications are accredited

Supported Employment in NI SE not Government funded programme. Must work within available Government resources. Social Economy not part of 5 stage model of SE however assists with progression onto model.

5 Stage Process of SE Engagement Vocational Profiling Job Finding Employer Engagement On/Off Job Support

Social Economy at Orchardville Customer Employees Board of Directors Service Users Service Contractor Employment & Skill Team Parents & Guardians Business Model Social Model Stakeholders Hybrid

Balance Service user Customer A Question of Balance?

Social Focus Training & Work Experience Skill Evaluation Social Enterprise

Business Focus Customer Satisfaction Opportunities and Threats Strengths and Weaknesses Social Enterprise The Orchardville Company Ltd

Finance Social Enterprise Sales/Income Service Agreement Contract Investment

Social & Communication Independent Travel Team Working Personal Presentation Numeracy Money management & Budgeting Literacy Self esteem/ confidence Work Culture Generic Skills

Person centred approach. Co-ordinated by designated Employment Officer to maximise successful progression onto SE. Co-ordinated management approach (Heads of Service, Unit Managers, Operational Staff) Working Together

Regular feedback and reviews. Skills Audit conducted six monthly – assessment tool to measure progress and quality of training delivered. Training reflects opportunities, aspirations and gaps. Stepping stone to SE. Working Together

Skill development e.g. vocational, independent, social and confidence. Supportive and safe environment High supervision level. Springboard to other services e.g. vocational qualifications and employment. Detailed assessment enables successful job match. Pathway service. Benefits

Balance between business goals and social aims. External environment (opportunities & threats) Sustainability Attitudinal (service users, family, employers and customers) Challenges

Profile of Service Users in Social Economy Available to all service users 16 – 65. Predominantly < 25 group. Complex needs / ASD Limited or no prior experience of employment.

Paid Employment. Numbers achieving accredited qualifications. Development of new training programmes. Transferable work skills. Success

Benefits of social enterprise Evidence of progression Model of Best Practice Are we Perfect Partners? Any Questions? Conclusions