LeTS 2014 National Curriculum Primary Languages Support Group 15 th January 2014
Introductions Carolyn Robson – Executive Headteacher Jane Bland & Julie Gardiner SLEs for Modern Foreign Languages
Introductions Introduce yourself to the people on either side of you: Your name Your school A one sentence summary of MFL at your school
The Project National College funded initiative to support introduction of 2014 NC for Primary Languages One year’s duration Group of schools commit to working with the project and providing evidence of impact on their language provision.
Aims To ensure that the new NC Programme of Study for MFL is successfully implemented in schools from 2014 To have a sustainable impact on provision of MFL in city schools via:- – SLE time available for ‘bespoke’ support – Opportunity to observe MFL lessons – Access to resources – Hub meetings which allow schools to share best practice and provide INSET on a range of relevant areas
Agenda Audit against the new Programme of Study Progression – Assessment? National Curriculum Levels? Common European Framework Focus on appreciation of stories/poems/rhymes Next steps
Audit Audit against new NC Programme of Study to identify development needs Baseline indicator to enable us to identify impact
Assessment In groups of 4: How do you currently assess MFL? Is it fit for purpose? Is it user-friendly?
Assessment options available National Curriculum levels: adapted? Languages Ladder Common European Framework – European Portfolio School produced resources
Tea break !
Share briefly in groups any experiences you have had of using story books within MFL lessons. -What did you do? -How did it go? Focus – appreciate stories, poems and rhymes
Brainstorm What else COULD be done with a storybook in a primary MFL lesson/series of lessons? -In groups use the large sheet of paper to record your ideas, throw in everything and anything that seems like a possibility/interesting idea.
Feedback… Share ideas from each group
Back to the real world… - Find somebody who has a similar group/ year to your own and choose a book -Use the long list to plan out how you might exploit the text over a series of lessons How could this fit with the new NC programme of study? Choose a book!
Next Hub meetings March 19 th June 4 th 2-4pm
Next steps… If you wish to book SLE time please the Teaching School: If you want to organise an MFL lesson observation us: