Celebrating Success
We collect effort, behaviour and homework data on you six times a year When staff enter data on your report: 1 = excellent 2 = good 3 = satisfactory 4 = cause for concern 5 = poor Therefore, the closer to 1 each score is, the closer to excellent it is. Smaller numbers are therefore better.
Effort 1Always puts in considerable effort. Works independently. Is resilient when faced with challenges. All class and homework is completed to best of ability. Regularly tries to go beyond the basic demands of the task. 2Always puts in good effort. Usually attempts to work independently. Will try hard when faced with challenges. Good effort put into all class and homework. 3Usually good effort in class. Stays on task and shows independence at times. With encouragement, will try The vast majority of class and homework attempted, and effort put into completing it well. 4Frequently shows little effort in class. Shows little independence and can drift off task without guidance. Gives up easily when faced with a challenge. Work often left unfinished or not attempted.
Behaviour 1Consistently well behaved, contributing to outstanding learning Fully engaged at all times Works collaboratively with staff and students excellently Responds extremely positively to teachers’ strategies 2Well behaved, leading to good learning Engages well nearly all the time Cooperates and works with staff and other students well Responds very well to teachers’ strategies 3Good behaviour, leading to good learning Engages most of the time, disruption uncommon Generally cooperative with staff and students Respond well to teachers’ strategies 4Sometimes, behaviour can lead to disorder and limits learning for student and others Frequently shows a lack of engagement Struggles to work collaboratively and cooperate with staff and / or other students Sometimes does not respond well to teachers’ strategies
All the effort, behaviour and homework scores are turned into an average. Remember, this is nothing to do with GCSE grades or national curriculum levels. 1Platinum 1.25Gold 1.5Silver 2Bronze 2.5Green 3Yellow 3.25Orange 3.5Red
What does each ranking mean?... 1Platinum £100, LOC, Meeting with Head, Reward trip 1.25Gold LOC, Meeting with Head, Reward trip 1.5SilverLOC, reward trip 2BronzePostcard Home 2.5Green 3YellowTutor Report 3.25OrangeHOY report 3.5RedAssistant Head / Deputy Head report
How can we do even better? Use the effort, behaviour and homework matrixes to decide on targets which will help you improve Make sure you’re on the list next time These will be discussed on SPRD day