Reepham Primary School School Improvement and Development Flexible, real purpose, independent thinking Fun, engaging, exciting and relevant Supports and challenges Links to local and wider community Core Values and Vision Progress good in all classes Assessment used effectively to meet individual needs Mark work in mathematics effectively Promote independent learning – Team work, problem solving, leadership roles Ofsted 2011 Challenging opportunities in every class Teachers able to use published materials skillfully Additional opportunities to make music Use of audio/video recordings Music Ofsted 2012 Maths (EYFS – KS2) Closing the gap between FSM/non-FSM, SEN/non-SEN, gender differences Tracking progress of all children, including vulnerable groups Impact of intervention Marking and feedback, involving children SLT involved in monitoring and supporting teaching and learning Consistent monitoring of subjects – planning saved on server Peer support – team teaching Attendance Areas to Improve Impact of pupil premium New assessment criteria Sports Funding New Primary Curriculum Primary Languages Holiday changes National Changes Curriculum Statement Priority 1: Attainment and Progress – Improve progress in core subjects across KS2. Continue to ensure progress in phonics at KS1 Intended Outcomes: VA will improve across the school Number of pupils achieving at least 4b in R,W,M will improve Increase of pupils achieving at least 2 levels progress with the aim of bringing to national average Further close gender gap at KS1 and 2 Continue to improve outcomes for Ever6 at KS1 and 2 in line with the national average Improved phonics outcomes for Year 1. Priority 2: Quality of Teaching – Ensure staff are confident in teaching the New Curriculum. Support new team in EYFS and Year 1. Develop teaching and learning in Maths. Improve effectiveness of marking and feedback. Intended Outcomes: Staff confident in delivering the new national curriculum Teaching and learning will provide a rich and vibrant learning experience. Children will make good progress across the curriculum. Standards in maths will improve across the school The gap between girls and boys attainment will narrow, particularly in KS2 All children will make good progress, including vulnerable groups (EAL, LAC, SEN, FSM) Teaching and learning in EYFS and Year 1 will be consistently good EYFS results will improve from 2014.Link to Priority 1. Marking and feedback will be consistently high level across the school with children responding to comments made and will show that children are aware of and using next steps. Priority 3:Leadership and Management – Development of senior roles and responsibilities and role of governors. Support and develop all staff including new NQTs. Share good practice across school. Intended Outcomes: Senior Leaders will take responsibility for strategic development and through their leadership will make clear improvement on achievement and progress throughout the school Interventions will be tracked carefully to ensure the best possible outcomes for children We will continue to track the progress of Ever6 and SEN groups, involving all staff and governors in the monitoring of the data so that we ensure best outcomes for children Staff will be confident in driving forward improvements and will work as a united team to share best practice and support new members of staff in school Continue to develop new curriculum Priority 4: Behaviour and Safety – Develop leadership roles and responsibilities. Ensure all staff continue to deal with behaviour in a consistent, fair and appropriate manner. Develop peer mentoring and children’s roles and responsibilities in school Intended Outcomes: Senior Leaders will take responsibility for behaviour including behaviour for learning across the school All staff will deal with behaviour in a consistent, fair and appropriate manner Number of serious incidents will reduce further Staff will be confident in using de- escalation strategies Children will support each other with next steps for learning, particularly in KS2 Children will continue to influence best practice and support learning and our curriculum by their involvement in key roles. Priority 5: Improve Attendance – Continue to promote good attendance and punctuality in school and sustain current good attendance Intended Outcomes: Attendance will sustain and if possible improve from current figure of 97% Parents will understand the importance of good attendance and there will be a reduction in requests for holidays/time off in term time.