Integration of Agricultural Census in the National Survey Program in Indonesia By Pietojo and Puguh B Irawan BPS-Statistics Indonesia


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Presentation transcript:

Integration of Agricultural Census in the National Survey Program in Indonesia By Pietojo and Puguh B Irawan BPS-Statistics Indonesia Presented at Roundtable Meeting on Program for the 2010 Round of Censuses of Agriculture, Bangkok, Thailand, 28 November – 2 December 2005

Agricultural Census in Indonesia2 Brief history (1)  Up to now, BPS-Statistics Indonesia has carried out five agricultural censuses → that was in 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993 and the latest one in 2003; then it will be implemented every ten years ahead as mentioned by Statistics Law and Government Regulation  The agricultural census is one of core statistical programs, as the country is very much characterized by agricultural-dominated features, in terms of economic and social-cultural aspects of its population’s life.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia3 Brief history (2)  Contribution of agricultural sector to the national economy (GDP) was around 16% in 2004, the second largest after manufacturing sector accounting for 29%  Role of agricultural sector in generating employment was around 40.6 million workers, or around 43,3% to total working population in  Need of reliable, timely and relevant agricultural database as a basis for monitoring and evaluating progresses achieved in past agricultural policies and programs, and for formulating sound agricultural development planning in the future.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia4 Brief history (3)  The availability of reliable agricultural data as a part of national census and survey programs developed by BPS-Statistics Indonesia to provide comprehensive social and economic statistical system.  In attempts to maintain the effective use of data, data collected from agricultural census and other surveys must reflect demand-driven basic data needs, based on the appropriate priorities of the main stakeholders, both public and private sectors.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia5 Topics discussed in this paper 1.To describe a technical summary of the last agricultural census in Indonesia. 2.To discuss experiences and issues of the implementation of the last census. 3.To evaluate possible changes in agricultural statistical topics for further improvements in the next agricultural census.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia6 A technical summary (1)  The 2003 Agricultural Census was a large-scale data collection activity, involving substantial financial resources and large number of field workers.  Main objectives 1.To establish a comprehensive and reliable agricultural database which capture the overall agricultural picture in Indonesia; 2.To provide a sound sampling frame used for a basis of sampling designs in subsequent and routine agricultural surveys; 3.To produce information on the number of farm households, small farming land holders (marginal peasants), distribution of land holdings, cost structure, agricultural production and farm households’ income.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia7 A technical summary (2)  Census coverage: farm households and businesses throughout the national territory In around 375,762 enumerating census blocks In 70,460 villages In 4,920 sub-districts Spreading over in 377 districts in 29 provinces (Aceh was not covered due to security- related issues)

Agricultural Census in Indonesia8 A technical summary (3)  Implementation: due to large coverage of data collection, census activities were implemented step-by-step, spanning over 4 budget years from  In 2002: updating of maps of enumerating census blocks, complete enumeration of potential villages, and updating of directory of agricultural enterprises;  In 2003: listing of households, post enumeration survey, and preliminary data processing;  In 2004: further data processing and data analysis of listing results, undertaking of subsequent sample surveys of agricultural household businesses by sub- sectors, sample survey of farmers’ income;  In 2005: Data processing and analysis of the results of sample survey, implementation of survey of fishery household firms

Agricultural Census in Indonesia9 A technical summary (4)  3 Major Activities in the 2003 Agricultural Census: 1.Updating the directory of agricultural enterprises: by revising the previous 1993 directory based on official records from government agencies, followed by verifying the revised version in the fields at sub-district level. 2.Building and household listing: carried out by separating urban-rural classification of areas; urban areas are further distinguished by coastal and non-coastal zones. Non- coastal zone were grouped into 2 strata—concentrating and non-concentrating zones of agricultural businesses. 3.Implementation of 9 subsequent sample surveys of household enterprises on paddy cultivation, other food cultivation, horticultural farming, estate crops, livestock husbandry, households living in the forest areas, farmers’ income, fishery farming (in fresh water) and fishing.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia10 Issues and experiences (1)  Due to large-scale activity, various issues inevitably rose during census planning, development of census methodology and sampling design, data collection, data processing and analysis. Census planning: due to limited budget allocation (Rp 400 billions), undertakings of various activities in the census were split into several stages, spanning from 4 budget years (2001-5), thus raising time lag between two related activities. It brings about inconsistencies between information on households obtained from the listing in 2003 and those selected as samples in subsequent surveys in 2004, i.e. changes in addresses and enumerating area boundaries, in household economic activities and commodities cultivated.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia11 Issues and experiences (2) Field work: involvement of a huge number of field workers with varied qualifications potentially led to different interpretation of concepts and definitions employed in survey instruments, in turn affecting the overall quality of agricultural data collected. Data processing: Instead of speeding up the data processing, the use of scanners in data entry led to the delay of time schedule for the overall agricultural census activity. In many cases, scanners failed to detect various types of numbers or digits filled in the questionnaires by different handwritings from large number of field workers.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia12 Evaluation for further improvements (1)  While provision for comprehensive and reliable agricultural database is crucial for Indonesia, priorities need to be given in order to focus on strictly selective topics of agricultural issues that are most relevant for Indonesian development agenda nowadays.  From the evaluation of various information collected in the 2003 Agricultural Census compatible with the likely utilization of data by relevant stakeholders (both public and private sectors), there are urgent needs for reducing the length of questionnaires and for improving sampling methodologies in such a way that would eases respondent burden in providing information needed in the next agricultural census.

Agricultural Census in Indonesia13 Evaluation for further improvements (2)  Simplifying questionnaire designs in the next census may be done through intensive consultations with relevant stakeholders and thorough review of medium- and long- term development planning, in order to establish a list of issues, priorities and goals for agricultural development programs in the coming years.  Current major issues in agricultural sector: 1.National agricultural development strategy is to increase agricultural productivity, to boost agribusiness and to improve the wellbeing of farmers; 2.High dependence on agricultural economy among rural population with the majority of being poor, worsened by unequal land distribution ; 3.Decentralization process poses opportunities and challenges in light of the prospect of agricultural development at regional levels

Agricultural Census in Indonesia14 Concluding remarks  The increasing demand for reliable and comprehensive database in agriculture that satisfies all different data users always poses challenges and opportunities.  The demand for data should be tailored with available resources and relevant scopes in the current agricultural issues.  It must reflect demand-driven data needs based on the appropriate priorities of the main stakeholders, both domestic public and private sectors.  At the same time, it should provide the needs of external data users including international agencies and foreign investors.  Given the significance of agricultural data in the national statistical system for supporting Indonesian development agenda, the regular implementation of the agricultural censuses definitely needs to be maintained in the future.