Fertility = the ability to have children Total Fertility Rate = the estimated # of children that would be born to each woman according to fertility patterns of the current year Canada’s current fertility rate is below replacement rate, meaning we are not having enough children to replace our population
Urbanization & Industrialization (late 1800s) Expected to raise children on a “family wage”, improved healthcare reduced infant/maternal mortality, various methods of birth control used Mandatory Schooling (1870) & Child Labour Legislation (1900s) Children financially dependent on their parents for longer WWI & The Great Depression DECLINE
Post WWII “baby boom ” Economic prosperity; almost full employment, women encouraged to return to domestic roles, government pronatalist policies created e.g., the family allowance, a monthly payment per child to all mothers INCLINE
Legalization of Birth Control & Equality Baby boomer’s children postponed parenthood until they were “ready”, birth control pill available in the late 60s & legalized in 1969, gender equality combined with increased education & greater labour force participation made it costly for women to stay at home & have children DECLINE
On average women & men are waiting to have children Average age for 1 st time mothers has increased from 23.4 years in 1976 to 27.7 years in 2002 1 st mothers over the age of 30 has increased & under the age of 30 has decreased Delayed reproduction is linked to delayed life transitions like leaving home, entering the workforce as well as cohabitating/marrying
Delaying Parenthood 1 in 5 babies in Canada has a mother age 35 or older Increased risks of; Many people believe as long as you are healthy you are fertile & if not reproductive technologies can help, as a result many people end up “unintentionally childless” meaning they expected to have children but waited too long - Preterm birth - Gestational diabetes - Chromosomal disorders like Downs Syndrome - Giving birth by means of c-section - Placenta Previa
Infertility Infertility = the inability to produce children Rates of infertility have been on the rise, current estimates show that 16% of couples experience infertility The older the women the higher the chance of fertility issues The increase is linked to delayed pregnancy, increasing rates of obesity, heavy drinking among females, increase in STIs, decreased sperm count in males For women over the age of 40 the failure rate of ART (assisted reproductive technology) is 90%!