1 Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion
2 Contents I.Background of OSMEP II.Roles and Duties of OSMEP III.Thailand’s SMEs Promotion Plan ( )
3 I. Background Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP) was established under the Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Act 2000 (Publicized in the Royal Gazette on February 17, 2000) as a juristic entity and a governmental office, not an official agency or state enterprise.
4 Board of SMEs Promotion Chairman of the Board of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Promotion = Deputy Prime Minister, The House of Representatives Dr. Trairong Suwankiri Role: formulating policies and plans for SMEs promotion
5 Vision of OSMEP “To be leading organization in formulating policy and strategy on SMEs promotion and to take role as focal point in coordinating the working systems of the public and private sectors in order to propel SMEs to grow with strength and sustainability.”
6 SMEs Macro Strategies Department SMEs Coordination and Services Department Director General Central Administration Department Center of Information System and Technology Specialist and Advisor Team Legal Affairs and SMEs Advocacy Development Department Venture Capital Fund Management Department SMEs Promotional Scheme Development Department Business Promotion and Development for Regional SMEs Department SMEs Regional/Sector Strategies Department Micro Enterprises Strategies Department International Cooperation and Policy Support Department Government Policy Promotion Department Organizational Strategy and Budget Administration Department Director General Affairs Department Strategy Development and Promotion ClusterSMEs Promotion Action Plan Coordination ClusterGeneral Services and Supporting Cluster Deputy Director Internal Audit Division Deputy Director
7 II. Roles & Duties 1. Formulating SMEs Master and Action Plan and SMEs related laws and regulations 2. Taking charge of SMEs promotional activities that have yet to be implemented by other offices 3.Establishing international network and serving as SMEs advocacy in both local and international arena 4.Providing support facilities for SMEs such as financial support, innovation and technology support, mentoring, incubation, etc… 5.Managing and monitoring special SMEs promotional projects under the government’s policies i.e. OTOP
8 SMEs Promotional Agencies Policy Implement Support OSMEP To formulate SMEs Promotion strategies To create target sector & definition for SMEs To cooperate and coordinate with various SME Promotional Agencies To establish SMEs Information Center & business enabling factor Regional VC IEAT Support credit to SMEs Credit Guarantee OSMEP SME BANK SMEs VC To create investment Policy for SMEs Benefit forSMEs To support & promote environment& community MOC MOTS MOC MOAC MOST MOF MOL DIP TISI ISO SME BANK SICGC DIW FTI, TCC SMEs Entrepreneur Association MOI Standard to SME & International Standard MOPH To develop resources to SMEs ISMED FTPI OPDC BOI SPECIALIZED INSTITUE To establish Industrial Estate Authority for SMEs To promote industries & entrepreneur To develop technology & employees Training & develop labour force Private sector to promote SMEs
9 III. Thailand’s SMEs Promotion Plan ( ) Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSMEP), Thailand
SMEs Definition ME SE ≤ 15 Over 30 ≤ ≤ 30 Retails Over 50 ≤ 200 Over 50 ≤ 100 Over 50 ≤ 200 Fixed Asset (mln. baht) Employment (persons) ≤ 50 Fixed Asset (mln. baht) ≤ 50≤ 25≤ 50 Employment (persons) Services Wholesa les Manufac turing Enterprise Size Exchange Rate at Baht : 1 US Dollar Sectors
11 Direction and Target of SMEs Promotion Target of Direction of SMEs Promotion KPI of SMEs Promotion Strengthening entrepreneurs to use skill, productivity, innovation and knowledge as growth mechanism. Restructuring SMEs sectors from low-end to medium and high-end products & services ; from OEM to ODM and OBM Creating of business ethic with CSR Facilitating common infrastructures for innovation and productivity upgrading 1.Expansion in GDP of SMEs 2. Growth of labor productivity and total factor productivity of SMEs 3. Growth of SMEs export 1.GDP share of SMEs is 42% in Labour productivity and TFP in target sectors increase no less than 5 percent/yr. 3. SMEs export growth is at the same rate as total export growth
12 Strategies of SMEs Promotion Plan 2 ( ) Vision: SMEs to Grow with Sustainability, Strength and Balance Intellect ual Infrastr ucture Netwo rk & Allianc e Productivity Competitiven ess Strategy 1: Create new entrepreneur and develop the capability of existing entrepreneurs Strategy 2: Upgrade Manufacturi ng SMEs Strategy 3: Increase the efficiency and reduce impediment in trading sectors Strategy 4: Promote the Capability on Value Creation in Services Sector Strategy 5: Promote SMEs in Regional and Local Areas Strategy 6 : Create business environment and enabling factors
13 Summary of OSMEP’s SME Promotion Infrastructure Skills & Competency building Capacity Building FinancingMarket Accessibility ■ Incubation ■ Mentorship ■Consultancy ■ Business Coaching & Training ■ SME University ■ iSMEs ■ Machine Fund ■Internationaliz ation Fund ■ Intellectual Property Fund ■ Consultancy Fund ■ Venture Capital Fund ■ Business Matching