MEDIA & PRESS KIT This informational packet will be useful in learning more about our organization. For further inquiries, please visit our website: or contact Catherine Janelli at Contents Background Fact Sheet Noteworthy Recent Press Releases & Photographs Programs & Partnerships Product Card Letter from the Founder Sponsorship & Giving Contact Sheet
BACKGROUND A Global Friendship is a young dynamic environmentally conscious non profit service and educational organization whose aim is to help develop communities in poor nations. Dedicated to the self-sustainability of individuals, AGF works for equality and Fair Trade practices for artisans. ‘Project HOME’ sources artisans, micro-finances supplies, helps directs their craft towards marketability, and teaches them small business development skills. ‘Project Home’ is A Global Friendship’s first development project, which focuses on communities of Thailand. The project’s goal is to work with 8 key community artisans by September 2009, developing and aiding them in the process of securing partnerships for further business practices. The artisan goal number by September 2010, is 18. Our Agenda The agenda of A Global Friendship is guided by four major development initiatives in providing opportunity for self-sustainability: work for equality, educate on market dependability & access, partnership importance, and to teach small business skills.
FACT SHEET Description Non-profit organization which supports education, equality, and economic and environmental sustainability. Mission To partner with disadvantaged communities and artisans in third world countries, gifting them with the opportunity towards self-sustainability. A forward thinking environmentally conscious organization, the group plans to support artisans and in turn communities by buying trend forward Fair Trade garments, and handicraft to bring to the western market. Vision To have artisans in developing countries be self-sustainable and educated on global warming and the processes, to utilize materials that have the least impact on earth. To have these artisans form the skill set to forge partnerships with retailers in the west, as well as acquire a toolset of small business skills. To raise awareness and increase number of consumers in the west who buy ‘consciously’. Where We Are A Global Friendship is headquartered in Fairfield, CT, U.S.A. Contact Information A Global Friendship P.O. Box 1013 Southport, CT Leadership & Management A Global Friendship is led by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a volunteer professional staff.
NOTEWORTHY In 2004 Elizabeth set out for one month in Thailand to figure her goal of helping to develop poorer nations. On December 26 th 2004 Elizabeth Firgeleski was on the beach in Thailand when the first of the waves of the Tsunami struck. Elizabeth, like many, had to struggle to safety. While injured and unable to help in the immediate, she vowed to go back and help these people who were so incredibly gracious to her in helping her to safety. In 2007, Elizabeth begins what is called A Global Friendship, using personal funds. In 2008, on a second trip back to Thailand, Elizabeth and team visit an orphanage that houses 90% Tsunami survivors. The group develops a plan to donate a water filtration system and build a computer room.
Recent Press Releases and Photographs
Programs and Partnerships ‘WYHOYS’– The acronym for this project (name to be revealed upon launch). The project is dedicated to the employment of a village for five days. AGF will partner with a top Manhattan designer to bring t-shirts made from recycled, environmentally sustainable materials, to Thailand. These t’s will be brought there pre-printed, we will teach the selected group to hand stencil exclusively designed images, and sign each article. A portion of the proceeds will benefit ‘Project Home’. Hardware Sponsorship- The hope is to partner with a large hardware company, corporation, or generous individual, to furnish our artisans with their own personal notebooks so they may run their businesses most efficiently. Direct Sponsorship- The opportunity for an individual or corporation to directly fund or sponsor a component of the project (i.e. directly funding the purchase & installation of the water system for the orphanage, funding computer lab, or upcoming trip).
Sponsorship & Giving Your help is very greatly appreciated. YES! I’d Like to help… Dollar amount $______ $35-$99 Donor $100-$250Friend $250-$500Kind Heart $501-$1500 Warm Heart $1501-$2500Passionate Heart Thank you for helping to make the World a more beautiful place. Send Check to: Wire Funds to: A Global Friendship Account Name- A Global Friendship P.O. Box 1013 Bank of America Southport, CT For US Wires: We also now accept all major credit cards: Account # Payments can be set up for one time, or monthly re occurring options.
Contact Sheet Address A Global Friendship P.O Southport, CT Telephone Website Media Contacts Catherine Janelli