Good Morning!! Please grab a laptop from the cart. Be careful, they are all plugged in at the back. Sign on get to my school wires site. Take out your.


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Presentation transcript:

Good Morning!! Please grab a laptop from the cart. Be careful, they are all plugged in at the back. Sign on get to my school wires site. Take out your homework.

Today Trends in the Periodic Table of Elements. You will research for properties of the first 36 elements. You will record your data in excel and paste it into a word document.

First Steps Go to the class website, Chapter 6. Download and Open the two files that are titled periodic trends. Take notes on how I want the graphs to look. You will lose points of they are missing anything.

Resources Text Book Wikipedia Quick Element or P-table App. Data Sheet.

Instructions 1) Gather the data and graph the information for all five sections. Boiling point and melting point go in the same section of the word document. You may use 2 different graphs is you would like. 2) Based on the trends that you observe, answer the questions.

Before Submission Make sure that the file is titled: # of BlockLastNamePTE. Ex: 2BreishPTE. Save the latest version one more time. Put it on your drive. Get started on the “Alien Periodic Table”

Good Morning Please grab a laptop from the cart. Hand in Chapter 6 questions in the box up front. Get started on the Periodic Trends assignment.

Before Submission Make sure that the file is titled: # of BLockLastNamePTE. Ex: 2BreishPTE. Save the latest version one more time. Put it in my drop folder. Get started on the “Alien Periodic Table”

Alien Periodic Table The first 4 periods minus the d block are identified by an alien culture. Figure out where they fit in our periodic table. Finish the assignment for homework.