Technology The human process of applying knowledge, tools and skills to satisfy our needs and wants and to extend our capabilities.
Systems… A system is an arrangement of components to make a whole or work together. What systems come to mind?
Systems Electrical - Example? Mechanical - Example? Structural - Example?
Sample Systems Technological –Car –Radio –Computer –Clock –Plumbing –Lamp –Car Exhaust System Non-technological –Nervous –Government –Digestion –Respiratory
Input Information Materials/Parts Energy Time Tools/Machines People Capital
Process Information-processed to change its form to send, receive, store, or retrieve a message or signal. Material-processed to change its size or shape, and physical, chemical, or electrical characteristics. Energy-processed to change its form from one to another. –Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Thermal, Light, Nuclear, Sound
Manufacturing Processing Identify the components. Identify the materials of the components. Identify the information needed to manufacture the system. Identify the energy converted in making the system.
Output Expected Desired –Generate electricity Expected Undesired –Produce smoke and ash by- products (pollution) Unexpected Desired –Produce heat for a greenhouse facility with waste energy Unexpected Undesired –Cause dead lake from acid rain
Output Identify the outputs in a salt water fish tank. –ED –EU –UD –UU (PhotoSW)
Feedback Feedback is the extra effect of an output in a system. The screen might not be turned on or may not be displaying the key stroke, the pain might be so great that we faint while the brain readjusts. Can be in the form of Sound, Images, or Energy What sound, images, or energy is given off in a salt water fish tank?
SAMPLE SYSTEMS Mechanical –Bicycle –Manual pencil sharpener –Fishing reel Structural –Bridge –House –Skyscraper Electrical –Lamp –Speaker –Motor –telephone Transportation –Vehicle –Plumbing –Aqueduct –Subway Electronic –Cell phone –Computer –DVD Player
Impacts The outputs of a system are the impacts of technological activity The new problems and benefits created by solutions to other problems What problems have been created from Technology? What benefits have been created from Technology?
Trade-off Are created by technological choice Give and take needed to reach a compromise for a solution. –Electric motor boat vs. Gas power motor boat –DSL vs. Dial-Up –College vs. Trade School –3.1 Megapixels vs 5.0 Megapixels What trade-offs exist with the comparisons above?
Risks The expected undesired outputs –Known damage –Known ill effects The unexpected undesired outputs –Unforeseen damage –Unknown ill effects What Technology do you know has risks and what are the risks?