1 Jack Dongarra University of Tennesseehttp://
2 ICL: Four Thrust Areas Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Numerical Linear Algebra Software Repositories Performance Evaluation Helping to Formulate Standards Software and ideas have found there way into many areas of Computational Science Between people: At the moment Researchers: Research Assoc/Post-Doc/Research Prof 20 Students: Graduate and Undergraduate 6 Support staff: Secretary and Systems
3 Computer Science Department Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms and Software ã EISPACK, LINPACK, BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, PBLAS, Templates, ATLAS Heterogeneous Network Computing ã PVM, MPI, NetSolve, I2-DSI, Harness Software Repositories ã Netlib, NA-Digest, NHSE, RIB Performance Evaluation ã Linpack Benchmark, Top500, PAPI Employment and academic opportunities in the ICL
4 Numerical Linear Algebra LAPACK, ScaLAPACK ã Software libraries for performing dense and band linear algebra computations on shared memory and distributed-memory computers ã Portable, efficient, standard ATLAS ã Automatic generation and optimization of numerical software for processors with deep memory hierarchies Templates ã State of the art algorithms and wisdom on iterative methods for large sparse linear systems and eigenvalue problems
5 Heterogeneous Network Computing NetSolve ã Network based computational server that allows users to access computational resources distributed across the network. I2-DSI ã Designing and deploying a reliable, scalable high-performance storage services infrastructure Harness ã Heterogeneous Adaptable Reconfigurable Networked Systems »Plugability »connectibility
6 Software Repositories Netlib ã Central repository for mathematical software, papers, and databases NHSE ã An interface to a distributed collection of HPCC repositories. Repository in a Box (RIB) ã A toolkit for creating software repositories that can interoperate with other software repositories via the Internet.
7 Performance Evaluation Linpack benchmark ã Performance benchmark Top500 ã Collection of the sites that have the 500 fastest supercomputers worldwide. PAPI ã Performance API for monitoring applications programs
8 Funding NSF ã CISE ã Applied Math DOE ã MICS ã ASCI DOD ã Modernization Program NASA ã IPG from Ames/NAS Microsoft Research IBM Sun Intel HP State of Tennessee
9 Collaboration ORNL UCB/UC Davis UCSD Globus/ANL/ISI Salk Institute Danish Technical University/UNIC ETHZ, Zurich ETL Tsukuba, Japan Thailand, Kasetsart U
10 Resources 26 Cluster Machines in Torc ã 3 Alphas, 1 Apple Mac, and 22 Pentium ã Network Connections include 100Mbit, Myrinet, Gigabit, Giganet ã OS's include Linux, Windows, Compaq True64, MacLinux, and Mac OS 48 Desktop machines 20 Server machines (Compute, Services, Storage) 34 Laptops Of these, 30 machines are donations/loaners
11 Futures NSF S&T Center ã Join with Rice, UCSD, ANL, ISI, IU, UIUC UTK Center of Excellence ã $5M Center focus on information technology NSF ITR effort ã A number of proposals
12 Schedule Monday, May 22 9:00 Meet with Shirley, Scott, and Terry 10:00 Jack -- Overview of ICL 11:00 Year 5 projects - Shirley, Scott, Jeremy 12:00 Lunch 1:15 Richard Luczak 1:45 PAPI - Nathan, Kevin 2:30 NetSolve - Michelle, Susan 3:15 Metacomputing evaluation - Graham, David 4:00 ATLAS and HPC/Linear Algebra - Clint, Antoine Tuesday, May 23 9:00 Meet with Shirley, Scott, and Tracy 10:30 MPI-Connect, Parallel/remote I/O - Graham 11:15 Benchmarking and Performance Modeling - Erich 12:00 Lunch