APEC Project Management Workshop Presented by Rongvudhi Virabutr Department of International Economic Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs 19 July 2010
Guidebook on APEC Projects
APEC Organization Structure 3 main Committees – CTI, EC, SCE Committee on Trade Investment (CTI) – comprises of 9 sub-committees Economic Committee (EC) – comprises of 1 experts group SOM Steering Committee on ECOTECH – comprise of 12 working groups and 4 special task force Total of 26 sub-fora
APEC Organization Structure APEC is now dealing with more issues than ever, hence, administrative cost is getting higher, while members’ contribution remain the same Applying for APEC funded projects become more competitive, especially with 26 sub-fora competing
APEC Funded Projects APEC Fund for 2010 (approximated) Fund sourceAmount (US$) OA1,868,000 TILF3,186,000 ASF – General2,143,000 ASF – Human Security1,102,000 ASF – Avian Influenza2,209,000 ASF – TFAP II175,000 ASF – Technology137,000 ASF – Energy Efficiency1,759,000 Total12,579,000
APEC Funded Projects APEC fund for 2010 by category
APEC Funded Projects Approval Session (approximated) Fund source (US$)AvailableRequested# of Proposal OA869,9081,966,66022 TILF1,232,3931,912,90121 ASF – General715,7561,977,86119 ASF – Human Security458,483633,1676 ASF – Avian Influenza1,104,449258,2382 ASF – TFAP II87,518-- ASF – Technology68,543149,6741 ASF – Energy Efficiency842,203487,6805 Total5,379,2537,386,18176
Successful Project Submission by Thailand In 2009, APEC approved total of 2 projects submitted by Thailand with total value of US$ 158,382, accounted for 3 percent of total APEC Funded Projects
Success Rate for Developed vs. Developing Economies 2009 Developing – 30% Developed 56 Session 1 of 2010 Developing – 50% Developed – 60%
Project Approval by BMC Budget and Management Committee (BMC) can approve projects with the value up to US$ 200,000 Projects value more than US$ 200,000 must be approved by SOM
APEC’s Type of Fund 4 Types of APEC fund - Operational Account - TILF Special Projects - APEC Support Fund - Self Funding
Operational Account (OA) Can be used for all types of projects, supports ECOTECH Supported by APEC Central Fund (comes from annual contribution) Annual available fund depended on the left over of Administrative Account (AA) – US$ 1,868,000 is available for 2010 Projects may be fully funded under OA
Trade and Investment Liberalization Fund (TILF) Special Account Projects in support of APEC TILF objectives Supported by the TILF Special Account which is sourced from voluntary member contributions Currently, the available fund is approx. US$5 millions/year, Japan is the main contributor All economies may apply for funding under TILF, non-TILF contributing members must self-fund part of the overall cost (20% for developing economies and 50% for developed economies)
APEC Support Fund (ASF) Projects in support of capacity building for developing member economies Supported by voluntary contribution from members Apart from ASF General fund, there are 5 other sub- funds aiming to develop areas including human security, Avian influenza, TFAP II, technology and energy efficiency Available fund for 2010 is approx. US$ 7,526,000 Open to all members, but projects need to primarily benefit developing member economies Projects may be fully funded by ASF
Self Funding Sources can include member economies, private sector partners, other international organizations or sponsorship (must meet requirements under APEC Sponsorship Guidelines) Do not need to be submitted as Concept Notes or assessed using the QAF as well as do not need to be approved by BMC but must comply to APEC Publication Guidelines
APEC Priorities APEC introduced an APEC-wide funding criteria for all projects in 2010 Rank 1: Priority shall be given to projects that are ESSENTIAL to the furtherance of APEC’s goals including REI, Inclusive Growth, Sustainable (Green) Growth, Structural Reform, Human Security Rank 2: Projects that SUPPORT the furtherance of APEC’s goals Rank 3: Projects that meet OTHER PRIORITIES identified by Leaders and Ministers Rank 4: Projects that meet LOWER PRIORITY
APEC Priorities REI - FTAAP - Services - Investment - Trade facilitation - Rules of origin - Supply chain connectivity - Information networks and data privacy - Intellectual Property rights Inclusive Growth - Financial inclusion - SME development - Employment creation - Social safety net programmes Sustainable Growth - EGS - Energy efficiency and renewable energy - Climate change Structural Reform - LAISR- Ease of Doing Business Action Plan - Implementation of G-20 framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth - Strengthening financial market Human Security - Food security - Food/Product safety - Emergency preparedness
Multi-Year Project APEC attaches great importance to multi-year projects as it is perceived to be better serve APEC’s long-term goal However, the current APEC project selection and management procedures do not accommodate multi-year projects, nor do they include mechanisms to measure the effectiveness of projects towards meeting longer-term goals Therefore, economies are temporary refrained from submitting multi-year projects’ proposal