Web & Cinema NMED A Veronica Reeves Andrew Ficiur Cody MacDiarmid Daniel Schrempf
Streaming Video Veronica Reeves
YouTube -Founded February First video uploaded April Bought by Google for $1.65 billion October billion video views per day -100 hours worth of videos added per minute -Wide variety of categories -YouTube Partner Program
Censorship of YouTube
Censorship of YouTube -Censorship or filter of specific YouTube videos or entire website to avoid social or political disruption -Reasons: violations of ethics or moral-based laws, copyright infringement, national security legislation -Breach of privacy -Blocked in businesses, schools, government agencies, etc.
Vimeo -Created in million viewers per month -Community of filmmakers and film enthusiasts -Cleaner aesthetic -Tip Jar -Vimeo on Demand -Vimeo Music Store -Vimeo Video School
Piracy Cody MacDiarmid
– Source “ Quote”
Gravity Cost: $100 million Box office: $364, 214, 000 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Cost: $78 million Box office: $149, 811, 000 Escape Plan Cost: $50 million Box office: $45,524,000 - $50 million
Gravity Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 meatballs Escape Plan html
$200 and $250 billion per year 750,000 American jobs
$58 billion ??????
“Companies should stop trying to fight piracy and start experimenting with new ways to distribute content that is inevitably going to be pirated anyways.” -Mr. Van Der Sar
Video Rentals Andrew Ficiur
Blockbuster LLC - Founded in Peaked in 2004 with over 9000 stores, $6B in revenue - Entered drastic drop in revenue in 2008, steep decline in 2009, finally bankruptcy in 2010.
- Netflix overtook blockbuster in revenue in mid 2009 at around $2B - Blockbuster shut down all Canadian stores in Blockbuster was bought out by Dish Network, which continues to run around 350 stores in the US which have remained profitable, but will shut them down if they become unprofitable. - Rogers Plus ended video rental in 2012
Netflix - Founded in 1997, began selling subscriptions in Surpassed 10 million subscribers in Was offered to Blockbuster for $50M. Offer was to run Blockbuster's online service, and in return, Blockbuster would run Netflix's brand in-store.
– Netflix CFO “They nearly laughed us out of the office.”
- Netflix had 19.5 million DVD rental subscribers by 2010, which dropped significantly to 8.2 million in Most users have shifted to streaming-only services, partially due to a raise in DVD rental prices. - Main competitor in DVD rentals is Redbox, which held nearly 50% market share of physical rentals in 2013 Q1.
Netflix is North America's biggest sources of downstream web traffic at around 30%. - Currently 24 original programming exclusive to Netflix, with 6 more planned. Three series have earned Emmy nominations (House of Cards, Arrested Development, Hemlock Grove.) - As of 2012, Netflix was at $3.6B in revenue.
Making Money Daniel Schrempf
– Mike Jones, Lecturer in Screen Studies at the Australian Film Television and Radio School. “I would contest that the emerging filmmaker learning experience and calling card of the future (if not the now) is the Webisodic Drama. Where producers, financiers, funding bodies may currently ask to see your short and what festivals it’s been in, they will soon (and already are) asking “Where’s your webseries site and how much traffic do you get?””
- The web series is resource-viable. It arguably takes no more money, technology or logistics to make an episodic online series than it does to make a short film. - The web series can freely and easily find a far larger international audience than a short film on the festival circuit ever could. In doing so the web series both teaches and proves audience engagement and the ability of the filmmaker to create for, gather, keep and motivate viewers. - The web series can viably demonstrate the filmmaker understands Character Arc and Story Structure. Whilst webisodes are generally short, the nature of their construct, spacing and structure connects very well to both feature film narrative turning points and long-form drama act-breaks, episodes and seasons. The web series may be small scale but the core structure is tangibly applicable and demonstrable, unlike most short films which (like a sandwich to a 3 course dinner) offer little direct overlap - The web series is innately a 360 approach where social-media and online ecologies are part and parcel of what a web series is. Where short and feature film projects the world over are being asked to add-on 360 elements (websites, trailers, games etc), the web series is integrated tightly to this model from the get- go.
– Andrew S Allen, Filmmaker “Next time I’ll keep the entrance fee money and put it toward online marketing. I’ve come to think of a festival run as more of a preview screening—a fun experience with a large audience to share with your cast & crew. The wide release—where a short film can make its biggest impact— happens online.”
“Cord Cutting” - the switch from watching TV through a cable provider to watching TV online.
– Ted Hall, senior analyst with Informa Telecoms & Media “The danger for Virgin Media is that its customers will find Netflix to be a revelation that they would not otherwise have stumbled upon, opening their eyes to a low-cost subscription TV service that satisfies their core entertainment needs,” … “Rather than strengthening the appeal of TiVo, the addition of Netflix could in fact do the opposite and encourage customers to cut the cord and settle for a cheaper combination of broadband, Netflix (via other devices) and free-to-air TV.”
– David Lieberman, Financial Editor “The future of television may tell a different story, but as of today we’ve found that the Netflix subscribers in our study are not watching less traditional TV.”
- Netflix users who viewed its series House Of Cards watched 85% more HBO than non-Netflix households. - House Of Cards viewers also watched Showtime’s Homeland 125% more than those who don’t subscribe to Netflix. - 57% of the homes in the sample use Netflix, half said that they subscribe to Amazon Prime, while 18% have Hulu Plus — and 8% have all three.”
Web and Cinema NMED A Veronica Reeves Andrew Ficiur Cody MacDiarmid Daniel Schrempf