10/09/07 BR- What do the following symbols mean in Egyptian Culture


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Presentation transcript:

10/09/07 BR- What do the following symbols mean in Egyptian Culture Today: Finish Narmer’s Palette Binder corrections

Egyptian art and religion relied heavily on the use of symbolism Symbolism: a picture represents more than just what the thing is. What do the symbols on this page “mean?”

Narmer Palette From around 3200BC. One of the oldest historical documents in the world First example of early hieroglyphic writing Describes the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt How could this artifact be considered art as well as a historical document?

The name of Narmer is shown in a serekh between the two bovine(cow) heads. - These heads could be bulls (indicating strength) or Hathor. - It is unusual to see the faces from the front.

The glyph indicating the name of Narmer

Narmer strikes down his foe. What is on his head? What does it symbolize? What other images or symbols are present?

A falcon(Narmer) is drawing the life breath from a man (who looks like the larger victim) who has papyrus reeds growing out of him. This image is thought to be the conquest of Upper Egypt over the marshland of Lower Egypt

A scene showing two “conquests” of Narmer with an early hieroglyph indicating the place

- What does this scene remind you of? - Notice Narmer’s name, his new crown (red crown of Lower Egypt) and his victims.

Narmer tames the wild beast that is upper and lower Egypt What can you say about the picture? If you divided it in half would both sides be even? What do you think of this picture and its arrangement might symbolize?

What symbols are present here? And what do they mean?

Vocabulary Journal #4 Chapter 5: shrine, stela, navigate, exquisitely, ma’at, sanctuary, ritual, mortuary Chapter 6: afterlife, festering, meander, immortality, deceased, essential, fluids, embalmer Chapter 7: disembark, swagger, plateau, restlessness, trafficked, lever, constellation, orientation, overseer, erosion, haunch

Timeline #2 2700 BCE - Old Kingdom Period Begins 2650-2500 BCE - Pyramid Age (construction of the three major pyramids at Giza) begins 2589-2566 BCE - Khufu (Cheops) rules; builds Great Pyramid at Giza 2558-2532 BCE Sphinx at Giza Built 2532-2504 Menkaure rules, builds 3rd pyramid at Giza

Important People #2 Chapter 5: Neferhotep, Plutarch Chapter 6: you pick 1 Chapter 7: Khufu, Thumose IV (tut-moze)

Study Questions Chapter 5 What form did the Egyptian gods take? 2. Who was the most important god in ancient Egypt? Why? 3. How did Isis recover Osiris’ body after Seth killed him? 4. Why was it very important to King Neferhotep that the god Osiris be well taken care of? 5. Why do you think the king had 14 boats buried with him? 6. What did the Egyptians believe about Horus?

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Study Questions Chapter 7 1. Why did the king’s men come on barges to the villages along the Nile during flood season? 2. Why did farmers work on pyramids during flood season? 3. How was the Sphinx preserved over thousands of years? 4. Describe 2 ways that water was important in building the pyramids 5. Why do you think people worked on the pyramids? (p.59)