By Kent Period 2 Social Study
Power Point Project Students were required to create a Power Point slideshow that reflects their learning on Egypt. This project was then placed into each students’ Digital Portfolio. Projects were presented orally to class.
Requirements Create a slideshow that contains a minimum of 10 slides. Slide 1: Name, date, period and topic heading. Slide 2: Outline topics covered in sequence. Slide 3: Prepare a summary of the material. Slide 4+: Very complete slides on specific approved topics. Final slide: Bibliography correctly citing research locations.
Topics to consider Mummification process Obelisk construction Nile flood control Pyramid construction Social pyramid Gifts of the Nile Afterlife beliefs Book of the Dead rites The Rosetta Stone Menes Technological achievements Agricultural advancements Hieroglyphic writing, trace the development of. Topic not listed but approved by instructor.
Summary Egyptian Belief. Egyptian Belief is Involved with the Afterlife. Why the afterlife is important to the Egyptians. How religion is involved with the afterlife. Reasons Tombs Egyptian Souls What the Afterlife looked like Life In the Afterlife Egyptian Afterlife Items Egyptian Magic Bibliography Table Of Contents
Egyptian Afterlife is important to us too because reaschers use the information that the Egyptians leave behind and they show us the Egyptian’s religion too. The tombs that the Egyptian’s made had a purpose too and the tombs showed us a lot of useful things so we don’t make the same mistakes as them. Summary
Egyptian Belief Egyptians belief in the afterlife is because of their religion. The Egyptians believe that the gods will take their souls with them when they die.
Egyptian Belief Involves The Afterlife The Egyptian belief involves the afterlife because the Egyptians only believe in the afterlife because of the religion that they have. Egyptians believe that the gods will make the dead pharaohs live in the afterlife.
The afterlife is important to the Egyptians because they believe that the gods have a afterlife.
Egyptians warp the pharaohs dead body in clothes with herbs to keep the body preserved so the soul can be pasted on to the afterlife. Egyptian Mummies
Egyptians bury their dead in tombs because they don’t want the body to decay. Reasons
Egyptians put “mummies” in tombs because they don’t want people to steal the bodies of pharaohs. People want to break into a pharaohs because they are kept with lots of rare treasures.
The Egyptians believed that the soul could be destroyed and were at great danger so they put “magic spells” on the tombs of the dead so that the souls of the dead people in it wouldn’t be disturbed. The dead went though a judgment, in which 42 gods will watch to see if the dead’s life was honest or if it wasn’t the dead would be sent to Devourer of the Dead - the Great Swallower.
What the Afterlife looked like The afterlife is a paradise for the Egyptians because it is the desert but with out any misery and has all the crops that you would ever need.
Life In The Afterlife Life in the afterlife is like a paradise to the Egyptians. There is no misery in the afterlife and it is the place that looks like Egypt but with no worries.
Egyptians always bring their beloved items with them to the afterlife by putting the items next to their body when they’re buried so that the items go with them to the afterlife.
Egyptian Magic Egyptian magic is what they used to seal their tombs and to help get the soul to heaven safely because they believed that if the body is destroyed than so is the soul of that body.
mummies/egyptian-afterlife.htm gif Bibliography