EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS ADT ABL THEL Dismounted Warfighter Antenna System Frequencies: 30 to 88 MHz, 225 to 400 MHz and 1 to 2 GHz with wideband signals
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS AIRBORNE TACTICAL LASER Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate Technology Investment Program “The Airborne Tactical Laser (ATL) provides the ultra-precision engagement with graduated effects on target and system-level capabilities to support non-lethal engagements. It is also used for surveillance to detect and identify aimpoints, engagement selection/assessment and battle management/control. The ATL uses a lightweight low altitude (COIL) laser with a sealed exhaust.” Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program 1999 Annual Report
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS PULSED CHEMICAL LASER Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate Technology Investment Program “An invisible laser pulse strikes a target and creates an intense shrapnelless flash-bang burst. The following pressure pulse will cause reversible disabling effects. Technologies being pursued include: surface discharge initiated PCL, laser induced plasma pressure sensor, and biosimulants with shear wave sensors.” Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program 1999 Annual Report
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS ADVANCED MULTI-FUNCTION RADAR FREQUENCY SYSTEM (AMRFS) Initiative to combine radar, electronic warfare and communications signals into a common system. Aim is to eliminate myriad stand-alone systems and numerous antennas on superstructure and allow commander to direct more power where needed, while reducing maintenance, cost and personnel demands. Being evaluated for installation on DD 21. ADVANCED ENCLOSED MAST/SENSOR (AEM/S) SYSTEM Developed under ATD to prove concept of affordable mast with enhanced warfighting capabilities by fully integrating sensor technologies, electromagnetics, and signature reduction. Reduces maintenance and provides significantly reduced radar signature. Being evaluated for installation on LPD 17.
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS Navy’s Integrated Power System (IPS) Program is developing combined electric propulsion and shipboard electric power systems using a modular, open architecture approach and is the foundation for the “more electric ship” concept. Several core S&T programs that relate to advanced electric ship technology are aimed at DD-21 and its subsequent flights.
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS ELECTROMAGNETIC AIRCRAFT LAUNCH SYSTEM (EMALS) (NAWC Aircraft Division Lakehurst, NJ) EMALS system will use 300 ft.- long linear electric motor to accelerate a 100,000 lb. airplane to over 130 knots and lighter aircraft to 200 knots. The system will use state-of-the-art power electronics, energy storage and linear motor technologies to produce significant improvements over existing steam powered catapults. General Atomics awarded 45 month, $60M contract in 1999 for program definition and risk reduction phase of EMALS Program.
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS ENHANCED PRECISION GUIDED MUNITION Explosively-driven HPM source – Magnetic flux-compression generator – HPM source and antenna Substitutes for some warhead payload in PGMs Deployed against targets with significant electronic technology – e.g., IADS systems HPM pulse destroys electronic components beyond the blast/frag lethal range (≈ m) Additional lethality mechanism; damage will be difficult to diagnose and repair Potential for non-lethal applications by minimizing blast/frag effects of warhead APPLICATION / VEHICLE CONCEPT OF OPERATION DESIRED EFFECT BENEFIT / ENHANCEMENT HPM BLAST/FRAG
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS APPLICATION / VEHICLE CONCEPT OF OPERATION DESIRED EFFECT BENEFIT / ENHANCEMENT HPM source which can engage any incoming missile and destroy the missile guidance and control electronics Concepts for all-aspect coverage for both large and small aircraft HPM source activated and aimed by cueing from missile warning sensors Missiles engaged at a range sufficient to cause miss distance outside lethal warhead radius HPM source burns out missile electronic components Full-time “shield” of aircraft against missile attack AIRCRAFT SELF-PROTECTION HPM SHIELD
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS UCAV SHORT-RANGE HPM ANTI-ELECTRONICS APPLICATION / VEHICLE CONCEPT OF OPERATION DESIRED EFFECT BENEFIT / ENHANCEMENT Repetitively-pulsed HPM source on low- altitude UCAV platform Overflight of targets with significant electronic technology – e.g., IADS systems HPM pulse disrupts or destroys electronic components underneath UCAV flight path Range of several hundred meters New lethality mechanism; damage will be difficult to diagnose and repair Low cost per shot Potential for non-lethal applications
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS APPLICATION / VEHICLE CONCEPT OF OPERATION DESIRED EFFECT BENEFIT / ENHANCEMENT Active LIDAR/LADAR remote sensing of the battlefield from tactical platforms Real-time remote sensing of the battlefield – Combat ID – Finding hidden targets – CW/BW agent detection – Warfare effects confirmation Active laser probing of targets or surrounding atmosphere to obtain new information – Polarization effects, vibrometry, differential absorption, multi/hyperspectral active imaging Improvements in battlefield awareness – real- time information before, during, and after engagements ADVANCED SENSOR APPLICATIONS
EMERGING DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES & CONCEPTS APPLICATION / VEHICLE CONCEPT OF OPERATION DESIRED EFFECT BENEFIT / ENHANCEMENT Moderate-power HEL system aboard fighter aircraft Targets designated by pilot – other aircraft, soft ground targets Range 5-10 km Thermal damage to structures or optical systems Low cost per shot Wide aspect firing opportunities Possible extension to aircraft self-protection FIGHTER HEL GUN