By Eric Zacher And AJ Snorf
After World War II the UN gave land to the Jews The Jews got their own state on the east cost of the Mediterranean (Palestine). The land that the Jews were given is neighbored by Arabic countries.
After World War II the United Nations voted to make Palestine into a Arab and Jewish state. Neither religion could make claims in Jerusalem. Every Islamic country voted against it. And Palestinians rejected it. On may the Jewish nation of Israel was created.
The first day that Israel claimed itself to be an independent nation six Islamic states invaded. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. Israel won within a few months of fighting.
Egypt took Canal from Israelis Israelis cried help GB and France come in and stop Egyptians USA and USSR tell Europeans to get out
Tensions between Arab and Israel states continue rising 6 Day War Israel won Israel lost 800 troops Arabs lost 15,000 Israel gained land
Arab countries surprise attack Israel Israelis suffer heavy casualties Both sides agree on truce channel/ th-century-battlefields middle-east-sinai-video.htm channel/ th-century-battlefields middle-east-sinai-video.htm
1964 Palestine Liberation Organization group was formed Participants varied from Teachers to Guerilla fighters. Terrorist Organization Leader of the group was Yasir Arafat
Anwar Sadat recognized Israel for the first time Israel had to give up some of its territories for peace settlements Israeli-Palestinian tensions increase Israeli uprising (Intifada) started to anger Palestinians.
Israel gives the Palestinians self rule in the Gaza strip, and West Bank This did not really work because of the Assassination of Rabin in 1955.
Protestors began the second Intifada Palestinian Military steps in second+intifada&view=detail&mid=36BD9C29 E ED36BD9C29E ED&first= 0 second+intifada&view=detail&mid=36BD9C29 E ED36BD9C29E ED&first= 0
Hamas military group tries to replace Israel with an Islamic state. Israel refuses to recognize the new government The two sides are still hoping for a peaceful future.
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