Relief Sculpture
R elief sculpture - A type of sculpture in which form projects from a background.sculptureform background We’ll be looking at two types: Bas relief – which is low relief. It doesn’t come off the surface very far. High relief – it stands away from the surface far enough to create a more 3 dimensional look, but isn’t free standing.
Relief sculpture has been around for centuries. It is one of the earliest forms of expression. Bas ReliefCave art
Egyptians used all kinds of sculpture to depict life. Bas relief
The Babylonians created relief with brick, carving the image out. Bas Relief Detail from the Ishtar Gate
Greeks and Romans took it to a new level of detail. Bas Relief
The Romans liked superrealism. High Relief
Christianity spread and artists excelled at religious relief. High Relief
Even bas relief can create a dimensionality. Overlapping of figures creates the effect. Bas Relief
Painting darker colors in the background can create a dimensional quality as well as the carving.
Any subject can create an interesting composition.
Any material can be used to create the effect.
There can be a great deal of detail to emphasize the image.
Composition can create interest.
Added materials can be used as well.
Images can express and inspire emotion.
Ghiberti relief work – Italian artist from the Renaissance period
What will you create to make a statement of expression?