Study of transport simulation on RF heated and current driven EAST plasma Siye Ding Under instruction of Prof. Baonian Wan 12/09/2009
Outline TRANSP & pTRANSP program Feature of NSTX plasma --- Transport analysis work at PPPL Preliminary results of EAST simulation Summary
TRANSP Category: Experimental Data Analysis TRANSP descended from BALDUR in the 1970s The complete system includes: –A million lines of FORTRAN code –Over 100 executable programs –Over 100 subroutines –More than 100 Man-Years invested in developing code Language code: Fortran-77, Fortran-90 and some C, C++ and Python A time dependent 1½D tokamak transport data analysis model with generalized non-circular flux surface geometry Auxiliary heating packages –NUBEAM, TORIC, LSC, TORAY
PTRANSP Predictive TRANSP –The ability of simulating numerous kinds of fusion plasma activities –Inputs: Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC) outputs Shaped boundary (required) Other self-consistent plasma parameters (optional) –The same namelist with different options –Equilibrium: TEQ –Temperature and transport model options: GLF23, MMM95, Weiland model, NClass neoclassical model, paleoclassical model, etc. –Density: assumed
Feature of energy transport in NSTX plasma Data selection dependence at constant B t The influence of plasma current profile on The ‘pivot’ phenomenon in profile The influence of lithium on energy transport
dependence on B p (or q) Parameters: I p (900kA), B t (0.48T), P heat (5.6MW), and (4.6~5.6 cm -3 ), (490~608eV) A significant influence of ngTx in the relation between s and B p (or q) –ngTx: the abbreviation of ‘local -n e * T i/e ’ value –units: B p in T, n e in cm -3, T i/e in eV, r is normalized magnetic surface The proportional relation between and B p (or the inversely proportional relation between and q )
dependence on plasma current P cond vs ngTx and q at constant B t and different I p –No obvious dependence on I p –Plasma current profile Constant ngTx – Constant q Peaky and flat (hollow) profile
The ‘ pivot ’ phenomenon in e profile Governed by local current density (or current profile) –Data at constant B t (2008) –Data at different B t (2006) Ip=900kAIp=1100kA Data at different B t (2006)
The influence of lithium on energy transport Energy confinement time –Parameters: I p (kA): 800, 900 B t (T): 0.54(max), 0.51(avg), 0.48(min) P heat (MW): 4.3(max), 3.7(avg), 3.2(min) – E increases –0mg: without-lithium data Radiated power –Local e decreases –Large percentage of radiated power –No obvious improvement on i
The influence of lithium on energy transport e (direct comparison) –More than 50% reduction i (indirect comparison) –Effective The third lithium state I p : 900kA B t : 0.47T P heat : 5MW I p : 900kA B t : 0.49T P heat : 3.6MW
EAST simulation Shot#12467: –250kA; 1.9T;1.1e19m -3 ; LSN, DN, USN; Ohmic Shot#12755: –500kA; 1.9T; 2.5e19m -3 ; DN; P LH : 450kW Theoretical transport model: –GLF23 (mainly) –MMM95 –RLW-M
EAST simulation: flux contour A B C D E
EAST simulation: p, li and current profile Some difference between TRANSP (TSC) and EFIT
EAST simulation: different models and experiment data
EAST simulation: n e and T i/e profile n e profile: assumed by using parabolic distribution with two free index parameters T i0 : assumed to be 2/3~3/4 T e0
EAST simulation: confinement
EAST simulation: power balance Electron: –Source: Ohmic electron heating –Sink: i-e coupling, conduction Ion: –Source: i-e coupling –Sink: conduction, charge exchange loss The theory model for radiation prediction is not effective enough.
EAST simulation: energy transport
EAST simulation: LH wave injection Absorbed LH power: 85% injected LH power, similar to Ohmic power Deposition position of LH power: ~0.1 and ~[0.3, 0.65]
EAST simulation: LH current I Oh : 400kA; I LH : 80kA; I BS : 20kA CD =9.95e18 AW -1 m -2
EAST simulation: region of LHW absorption 5% LH power was deposited around ~0.1, that can not be explained in this figure.
EAST simulation: theory model and experiment data
EAST simulation: high power plasma ICRH: minority heating scheme L-H transition threshold: P loss ~1.1MW
NBI simulation
Summary Brief instruction of TRANSP/pTRANSP program Plasma current profile affects values, including the ‘pivot’ phenomenon, via ngTx. Lithium can improve energy confinement time, enhance radiation and reduce e more than 50% when large quantities are injected. For i, it is effective, but not quantitative investigated. The relatively reasonable results are obtained in EAST simulation comparing with experiment data. More detailed physical analysis and operation design are under consideration.
Acknowledgement PPPLers: –Analysis: Stanley Kaye and the NSTX team –Prediction: Robert Budny –TRANSP settings and jobs monitoring: Douglas McCune and the Computational team ASIPPers: –Modeling: Xinjun Zhang, Fukun Liu, Jun Li –Experiment data: Ping Xu, Jianhua Yang, Xiaofeng Han, Jinping Qian –TSC output: Yong Guo
Thank you !