Create a list of your 10 favourite possessions. Now try and identify where these things were made.
In 1999, a French farmer named Jose Brown drove a tractor through the front window of a McDonald’s store. His arrest and trial in July 2000, attracted thousands of anti- globalisation protestors and reinvigorated the feelings of local identity in the region (St Pierre-de-Trivisy.)
McDonalds is the largest and best known global food service retailer with more than 28,000 restaurants in 120 countries. Yet on any day even as the market leader, McDonalds serves less than 1% of the world’s population. In order to increase its global market share, profitability and customer satisfaction McDonalds must d make efforts to meld its global culture with local demands, hence McDonalds produces... - The McRendang in Malaysia - The McSpaghetti in the Phillipines - The Maharaja Mac in India - The McKrapow in Thailand - Kampong Burger in Singapore
You lose your job in Bankstown, because the company you work for has been bought out by an Australian subsidiary of a US based company that has decided to relocate its production of T- shirts to Mexico, because of cheaper wage costs and lower health and safety standards. Your boss offers you a new employment contract with lower wages and conditions because the firm has to compete with the cost of Chinese workers
Your sister is sacked from her hospital job because of State Government cutbacks to health services to balance the budget to meet the demands of international credit rating agencies. You get skin cancer because of the hole in the ozone layer created by the release of chemicals by refrigerators and aerosol cans all over the world. You log onto the internet for information or to go shopping
1. Define globalisation in your own words. 2. List FIVE examples of how globalisation effects you on a daily basis. 3. Create a timeline illustrating how global linkages have changed throughout history. 4. As a class complete ‘Introduction’ to globalisation from AusTrade CD-ROM. 5. Copy out figure (7.2) ‘the characteristics of globalisation’ on page 201 of the text.