Middle Ages Art Art focused on religion They were simple and 2 dimensional
Humanists emphasized individual talent Artists strove to express values, emotions, and attitudes Byzantine was symbolic – Renaissance was detailed and lifelike. Experimented with new techniques –Perspective –Sfumato: Having vague outlines, and colors and shades so mingled as to give a misty appearance –Mostly done on Frescoes
Leading Towns FlorenceFlorence Primarily Paid for by the Medici Family Many masters and workshops RomeRome The Vatican was the wealthiest class Used Art and Architecture to increase prestige VeniceVenice Many traders commissioned work
ARCHITECTURE Return to Classical Style arches spiresOn Churches, palaces, and villas they substituted Domes and Columns for medieval arches and spires.
Lost a door design contest to Ghiberti Turned to architecture Designed dome of Cathedral of Florence (duomo) 1436 Was a friend of Donatello Figured out law of perspective
Another View of the Duomo, The Cathedral of Florence
Sculpture Freestanding Sculptures resembled Greek and Roman Sculptures Renaissance artists used marble and bronze Medieval sculpture was stiff Renaissance artists portrayed humans as lifelike as possible
The Baptistry of Florence had a contest for the design of the doors. Ghiberti defeated Brunelleschi with his bronzing of the “Gates of Paradise”
“Gates of Paradise” detail of one panel depicting Joseph
Sculptor Trained in a workshop for Ghiberti Made 1 st Free standing statue of Renaissance – Statue of St. George Made 1 st Nude statue of Renaissance – David
Donatello created the Statue of St. Mark 1411 –1413
Statue of St. George 1 st Free Standing sculpture of Renaissance
Donatello’s David commissioned by Santa Maria del Fiore in 1408, taken to Palazzo Vecchio in 1416 and partially elaborated.
Bronze, height cm 158, about 1440 for Cosimo de' Medici. David by Donatello. 1 st Nude Sculpture of the Renaissance.
Michelangelo also was from Florence. His father was a minor official.Michelangelo also was from Florence. His father was a minor official. At age 13, Mike apprenticed for an artist for 1 year, then studied in the Medici household.At age 13, Mike apprenticed for an artist for 1 year, then studied in the Medici household.
La Pieta 1498 – 1500 Michelangelo completed this statue in Rome before he turned 25. Mary is shown holding the crucified Christ across her lap.
Michelangelo’s DAVID 1501 – 1504 Created for the cathedral in Florence. He breaks away from the tradition way of portraying David, and uses a more classical Greek statue form.
The Sistine Chapel
Creation of Adam
TheFallTheFall ofEdenofEden
Recent Cleaning of the Ceiling BeforeAfter
Departed from the flat, symbolic style of medieval art. Created Paintings with a more realistic style Attempted to capture human emotions Artists Primarily painted on Frescoes (As was seen on the Sistine Chapel)
Giotto 1 st artist to break away from the old style in 1300’s Considered father of the renaissance. Worked mainly on Frescoes – paintings on damp plaster Fresco of the Ascension of St. Francis
Madonna with Child
Ascension of Christ Detail of Ascension of St. Francis
Masaccio (1401 – 1427) used lighting and perspective to give his paintings depth. This is a detail of one of his masterpieces, Expulsion of Adam and Eve
This is the Trinity Notice the illusion of three dimension
This is the Baptism Notice the unity and simplicity
The Tribute Money This Fresco depicts three scenes surrounding the arrival in Capernaum of Jesus and the Apostles, based on the account given in Matthew's Gospel.
Leonardo da Vinci The Annunciation Take note of the perspective and anatomy detail.
Always Leonardo treatment of hair, angelic in its fineness, Sfumato - the lack of any rigidity of contour. One form glides imperceptibly into another (the Italian term is), a wonder of glazes creating the most subtle of transitions between tones and shapes. The angel's face in the painting known as the Virgin of the Rocks in the National Gallery, London, or the Virgin's face in the Paris version of the same picture, have an interior wisdom, an artistic wisdom that has no pictorial rival.
The Last Supper
Madonna dell Granduca St. George fighting the Dragon Raphael
School of Athens
Raphael managed to fit himself into the School of Athens. We find him talking to Zoroaster and Ptolemy.
Plato and Aristotle Heraclitus Honoring Michelangelo
Boticelli Came during the High Period of the Renaissance. Still had religious subjects, but with very secular themes.
Boticelli Adoration 1475
Birth of Venus
La Primavera
Venus Primavera