Installation and Commissioning of the Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility A. Nagler 1, D. Berkovits 1, Y. Buzaglo 1, I. Gertz 1, A. Grin 1, I.


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Presentation transcript:

Installation and Commissioning of the Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility A. Nagler 1, D. Berkovits 1, Y. Buzaglo 1, I. Gertz 1, A. Grin 1, I. Mardor 1, L. Weissman 1, F. Kremer 2, K. Dunkel 2, C. Piel 2 1 Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel 2 Accel Instruments, Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany WAO 2007 September 25 th, 2007

2 25/9/2007 Topics of the Talk Brief overview of SARAF The specialty of SARAF The commissioning plan and its execution Summary and Conclusions

3 25/9/2007 SARAF Layout ParameterValueComment Ion SpeciesProtons/DeuteronsM/q ≤ 2 Energy Range5 – 40 MeV Current Range0.04 – 2 mAUpgradeable to 4 mA Operation6000 hours/year Reliability90% MaintenanceHands-OnVery low beam loss Nagler et el., LINAC 2006

4 25/9/2007 SARAF Phase I – Detailed Design (2006) Extracted from a 3D model of SARAF developed under “Inventor 3D” (CAD application) 3D model was crucial for: The detailed design of infrastructure interfaces Installation of all accelerator components

5 25/9/2007 SARAF Phase I – As installed (2006) PSM is temporarily off the beam line to enable parallel commissioning

6 25/9/2007 The specialty of SARAF (1) mA of protons and deuterons, CW, at energies MeV, with hands-on maintenance Flexible, independently phased design Very low beam loss required (1 nA/meter) Beam dynamics calculations focused on beam loss 40 MeV 31

7 25/9/2007 The specialty of SARAF (2) Superconducting acceleration starting at 1.5 MeV/u SC Linac based on Half Wave Resonators (HWR) Separation of vacuum between beam line and cryostat 4-Rod RFQ with a heat flux of 60 kW/m Prototype Superconducting Module (PSM) Beam Novel design Pekeler et el., LINAC 2006

8 25/9/2007 The Specialty of SARAF (3) Accelerator – Accel Instruments (Germany) Cryogenics – Linde Kryotechnik (Switzerland) Building and Infrastructure – U. Doron (Israel) Applications - Soreq Overall Integration – Soreq Construction and Commissioning of a (Beyond-)State-of-the-Art accelerator within an international business collaboration

9 25/9/2007 The Construction and Commissioning Group Soreq SARAF engineering group members - Soreq Electrical Engineer Electrical Engineer (Control Systems, Infrastructure, RF) Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineer (Cryogenics, Vacuum) Physicist Physicist (Accelerator, Diagnostics, Beam lines) Industrial Engineer Industrial Engineer (Maintenance, Documentation) Safety Specialist Safety Specialist (“online” safety, procedures for present and future) Two technicians Two technicians (part time) Accel InstrumentsLinde-Kryotechnik Installation and commissioning teams from Accel Instruments and Linde-Kryotechnik Details in talk by I. Gertz tommorow

10 25/9/2007 Installation and Commissioning of Auxiliary systems Install as many auxiliary systems as possible (RF, Magnets power supplies, PLCs, Cryogenic Plant) in parallel and as soon as possible and commission with dummy loads RF and control racks as installed

11 25/9/2007 Installation of Cryogenic Plant Beam Corridor Energy Center Accelerator Building Service Corridor Linde TCF50 Coldbox

12 25/9/2007 Installation and Commissioning of Personal Safety System (PSS) Controlled entry to the accelerator area PSS Station at the Main Control Room

13 25/9/2007 Installation and Commissioning of RFQ Install RFQ (most rigid component) and perform RF conditioning Control system application of RFQ-RF The RFQ as installed in beam corridor

14 25/9/2007 Installation and Commissioning of Ion Source and LEBT Commissioning performed with Diagnostics and Faraday Cup in LEBT 20(40) keV, 5mA p(d)  100(200) W Measure current, emittance and their stability using LEBT Low power enables CW commissioning Pulsed commissioning also needed for higher energy ECR Ion Source Slits, Wires, Faraday Cup LEBT

15 25/9/2007 Preliminary Commissioning results of Ion Source and LEBT IonBeam Current [mA] Emittance rms 100% beam [π mm mrad] Proton Proton Proton Deuteron Beam stability over 1 hour ±2.5% at 6.3 mA protons Beam current adjustment By variable aperture Kremer et el., PAC 2007, ICIS 2007 Deuteron beam, 5mA,  norm, rms,100% = 0.15 x-x’ contour ploty-y’ contour plot y’ [mrad] y [mm]x [mm]

16 25/9/2007 Seforad 3 He neutron spectrometer Snoopy neutron monitor Faraday Cup First nuclear reactions at SARAF with deuterons (1) Even 40 keV deuterons generate nuclear reactions In our case, beam deuterons interact with deuterons that are adsorbed in the graphite Faraday Cup d+D  3He+n (En=2.45 MeV) At 5 mA, neutron flux was measure to be ~1.2×10 7 n/sec, corresponding to ~68 mrem/hr Flux is about a factor of 7 less then original calculations which were the basis of the shielding design Ion Source LEBT

17 25/9/2007 Thermal neutrons FWHM=20 keV Q E n +Q full peak E n elastic scattering on protons 3/4E n elastic scattering on 3 He 2.45 MeV neutrons FWHM=85 keV First nuclear reactions at SARAF with deuterons (2) Neutron reaction inside detector: 3 He + n  3 H + p + Q(764 keV) Peak efficiency for 2.45 MeV neutrons is ~ Full efficiency is ~ (good agreement with Beimer NIM A245 (1986) 402)

18 25/9/2007 Installation and Commissioning of MEBT and D-Plate Install and commission MEBT and custom D-Plate (current, energy, transverse and longitudinal emittance, beam halo) The SARAF Diagnostic Plate (D-Plate) Beam 650 mm MEBT between RFQ (right) and D-Plate (left) including 3 quadrupoles, 3 sets of streerers, 2 sets of wire scanners, 2 BPM (phase probes) Piel et el., PAC 2007

19 25/9/2007 Protons Commissioning of RFQ using D-Plate and custom beam dump (1) 1.5(3.0) MeV, 2mA p(d)  3(6) kW Maximum beam on diagnostics – 200W. High power requires pulsed beam Pulsing established by combining low DF Ion Source pulses with shifted high DF (99%) RFQ pulsing, in order to test RFQ rods at CW power Piel et el., PAC 2007

20 25/9/2007 Protons Commissioning of RFQ using D-Plate and custom beam dump (2) Beam Energy Measurement using TOF E = ± MeV between 2 BPMs sum signals, 145 mm apart, E = ± MeV X and Y transverse beam profiles as measured by wire scanners in D-Plate There is no effect of the RFQ power duty cycle on beam position or shape Piel et el., PAC 2007

21 25/9/2007 Protons Commissioning of RFQ using D-Plate and custom beam dump (3) Fast Faraday Cup (FFC) raw data of measured longitudinal beam profiles. The overall bandwidth is 6 GHz which allows measurement of bunch length  > 26 psec Measured longitudinal beam profile after averaging of up to 100 bunches of one macro-pulse and a Fourier correction. The FFC can be used in combination with a superconducting. cavity operated as a buncher for longitudinal emittance measurements. Piel et el., PAC 2007

22 25/9/2007 Installation of Prototype Superconducting Module (PSM) Installation period Helium pipes RF Connections PSM interfaces

23 25/9/2007 Integration of PSM and Cryogenic Plant Established the very stringent pressure stability requirement ( ± 1.5 mbar), which is needed for operating a high-Q superconducting cavities LHe Pressure LHe Level Linde Kryotechnik AG control system screen

24 25/9/2007 Commissioning of the Control System Most applications are being developed and upgraded during commissioning and used mainly by experts Overview of the SARAF Main Control Room Main accelerator vacuum control screen

25 25/9/2007 Further actions in commissioning plan Perform PSM RF conditioning and establish quality curves (Q vs. E) PSM beam commissioning using D-plate and custom beam dump 4-5 MeV, 2 mA p/d  8-10 kW Main Control System operating screens for operators will be finalized at the end of commissioning Final Acceptance Test Beam Characterization, towards Phase II of SARAF

26 25/9/2007 Construction and Commissioning Time Table (1) Cryogenic plant and RFQ-RF (11/2005) Standard systems, custom designed for SARAF Installation + commissioning ~6 months for each system - within schedule PSM RF and LLRF (4/2006) Special developments for SARAF, technology is well known Installation + commissioning ~2 months - within schedule

27 25/9/2007 Construction and Commissioning Time Table (2) Ion Source, LEBT, RFQ, MEBT, PSM, D-Plate (6/2006) Advanced technology, part of it beyond the existing state of the art Combined installation time of all components 4 months - within schedule Planned commissioning time 6 months Probable commissioning time > 18 months

28 25/9/2007 Reasons for delays in accelerator commissioning Ion Source Delays in achieving the required performance, especially for H 2 + (used for mimicking deuterons and enhancement of proton flux on targets) RFQ Several component failures RF conditioning much longer than expected Vacuum leaks Cryogenic plant Instabilities in control system Helium impurities

29 25/9/2007 Installation and Commissioning Documentation Installation and commissioning plans laid out very roughly. Detailed plans compiled on a monthly or weekly basis Acceptance of systems performed according to detailed protocols

30 25/9/2007 Summary Phase I of SARAF is now under commissioning Commissioning will end by mid 2008 Full operation should commence by 2012 The specialty of SARAF and its commissioning process were presented We hope to report on successful commissioning and operation in the next WAO’s