Low Energy Neutrino Physics at the Kuo-Sheng Nuclear Power Plant Overview of TEXONO Collaboration Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory Results on Neutrino Magnetic Moments R&D projects towards Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering Survey of Other Research Program (KS and non-KS based) Summary & Outlook Henry T. Wong / 王子敬 Academia Sinica / 中央研究院
TEXONO Collaboration Collaboration : Taiwan (AS, INER, KSNPS, NTU) ; China (IHEP, CIAE, THU, NJU) ; Turkey (METU) ; USA (UMD) Program: Low Energy Neutrino & Astroparticle Physics Kuo-Sheng (KS) Reactor Neutrino Laboratory reactor : high flux of low energy electron anti-neutrinos oscillation expts. m 0 anomalous properties & interactions physics full of surprises, need intense -source ※ study/constraint new regime wherever experimentally accessible ※ explore possible new detection channels Diversified R&D Projects Taiwan EXperiment On NeutrinO
Poineering Efforts : “Zero-Background Experiment” ! KS Expt: 1 st large-scale particle physics experiment in Taiwan TEXONO Coll. : 1 st big research Coll. % Taiwan & China
Kuo-Sheng Nuclear Power Plant KS NPS-II : 2 cores 2.9 GW KS Lab: 28 m from core#1
Kuo Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory Front Gate Configuration: Modest yet Unique Flexible Design: Allows different detectors conf. for different physics Inner Target Volume Front View (cosmic vetos, shieldings, control room …..)
R&D : Coh. ( N) T < 1 keV Results & More Data: ( e ) T ~ keV On-Going Data Taking & Analysis SM ( e) T > 2 MeV Reactor Neutrino Interaction Cross-Sections massqualityDetector requirements
KS Expt: Period I,II,III Detectors FADC Readout [16 ch., 20 MHz, 8 bit] ULB-HPGe [1 kg]CsI(Tl) Array Multi-Disks Array [600 Gb]
fundamental neutrino properties & interactions ; necessary consequences of neutrino masses/mixings ; in principle can differentiate Dirac/Majorana neutrinos ( D / M ) look for surprises and/or constrain parameter space for model- building with future precision oscillation data explore new neutrino sources ; understand known ones explore new detection channels & techniques, low energy explore roles of neutrinos in astrophysics Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties : Magnetic Moments e.g. requires m 0
Magnetic Moment KS simple compact all-solid design : HPGe (mass 1 kg) enclosed by active NaI/CsI anti-Compton, further by passive shieldings & cosmic veto selection: single-event after cosmic-veto, anti-Comp., PSD TEXONO data (4712/1250 hours ON/OFF) [PRL 90, 2003] background comparable to underground CDM experiment : ~ 1 day -1 keV -1 kg -1 (cpd) DAQ threshold 5 keV analysis threshold 12 keV
Combined Analysis with all Information : Denote Limit: e ) < 1.0 X B (90% CL) X 3 data volume : expect sensitivity range e ) 8 X B 1 contour ON- OFF only
Search of at low energy high signal rate & robustness: >>SM [ decouple irreducible bkg unknown sources ] T << E d /dT depends on total flux but NOT spectral shape [ flux well known : ~6 fission- ~ U capture- per fission ]
Couplings : Neutrino Radiative Decays
a fundamental neutrino interaction never been experimentally- observed ~N 2 applicable at E <50 MeV where q 2 r 2 <1 a sensitive test to Stardard Model an important interaction/energy loss channel in astrophysics media a promising new detection channel for neutrinos, without strict lower bound on E & the channel for WIMP direct detection ! involves new energy range at low energy, many experimental challenges & much room to look for scientific surprises Standard Model Cross-Sections: Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering
“Ultra-Low-Energy” HPGe Prototype ULEGe – developed for soft X-rays detection ; easy & inexpensive & robust operation Prototype : (I) 5 g ; (II) 4 X 5 g ; (III) 10 g ; (IV) segmented 20 g threshold <100 eV after modest PSD [lowest achieved for bulk radiation detectors] study feasibilities for 1-kg-ish detector for coherent scattering and Dark Matter searches [ search a by-product ] 5 g 4 X 5 g
ULE-HPGe Prototype Results ※ threshold ~100 eV, calibration by linear extrapolation from 1-6 keV ※ PSD possible to suppress noise edge Threshold ~ 100 eV
Yangyang ( 襄陽 ) Lab (Y2L) min. 700 m of rock overburden Install 5 g ULB-ULEGe at Y2L on January 2005 Study background and feasibility for CDM searches may evolve into a full-scale (1 kg) CDM experiment TEXONO Y2L
Sensitivity Plot for CDM-WIMP search with 1 kg ULEGe at 100 eV threshold ………
Background Measurements & Comparisons Similar background at KS & Y2L Apparent difference between 5 g & 1 kg due to scaling with surface area instead, reproduced in simulations i.e. background can be ~ O(1 cpd) at > 1 keV range for 1 kg ULEGe in compact array form New detection channel in Unexplored kinematic regime : “don’t know what to expect and what are expected” (keV) First-Ever Low Background Data down to 100 eV ……. ! ….. More data taking & analysis underway
CsI(Tl) Array (~200 kg) : e) Z =40 cm Single Crystal Q L Vs Q R (Raw Data) Region of Interest for SM e) Z = 0 cm 208 Tl 40 K 137 Cs Data analysis under way……..
Electron Reactor (PRD 72, 2005) Nuclear material Fission products n rich nuclei Stable isotope Structure material n - decay - decay EC even-even Electron neutrino emission electron anti- neutrino emission Evaluate e flux at standard reactors Derive limits on and for e Explore e flux enhancement in loaded reactor (e.g. with Cr) Study Potential applications : e NCC cross-section measurements, 13 Pu-production monitoring
Tagging of 73 Ge ½ - 2 transitions Event-by-Event background-free tag with PSD To do : Reactor ON/OFF analysis on the system ~1 s before/after the transition -induced events signature: excess in the “ON+before” spectra Looking for -induced 73 Ge *
Reactor Axions Analysis with HPGe data Reactor core has intense M1 transitions : e.g. 7 Li, 91 Y, 97 Nb etc. Signature : peak at transition energy at HPGe due to Primakoff conversion Like TEXONO HPGe
40 MHz ; 12 bit ; 32 9 U VME [ c/f KS FADC : 20 MHz ; 8 bit ; 16 ch/module ] On-board processing with FPGA 1000 channels used in TPC in LEPS SPring8 TPC for SPring8 40 MHz sampling rate. 10 bits resolution with 2Vp-p dynamic range. Clock distribution with Phase Lock Loop circuit. On Board digital signal delay and Real-Time ZERO-Suppression. High capacity First In First Out Memory. Easy to use with high density connector. Mixed signal FADC Adapter Board TEXONO/KS FADC for SPring8/LEPS (cosmic muon)
Trace Radio-purity with AMS Based at AMS with 13 MV Tandem Potential Merits: small samples, quick versatile on sample choice sensitive to emitters sensitive to stable isotope & extrapolate (e.g. 39 K) >10 3 improvements over ICP-MS [.. once prescriptions are known. ] Status : demonstrate 129 I/ 127 I < g/g measure 40 K~ g/g in CsI (powder) develop techniques for K in liquid scintillator Sensitivity goal : < g/g Future : 87 Rb …… [ 238 U / 232 Th series after Tandem upgrade]
Sonoluminescence Project SonoLum Pulse a frontier subject with possible surprises new directions : to explore subjects we do not know inter-disciplinary research new research style and experience enriching Table-top experiments, pursue-able in several labs balance the other big & long time-scale projects use HEP approaches Focus : understand physics mechanism emissions of high energy radiations
TEXONO Collaboration: Built-Up from Scratch & Maturing Kuo-Sheng Neutrino Lab.: Established & Operational Modular & Flexible Design Physics Data Taking since June 01 ※ Unique HPGe Low Energy Data ※ Bkg Level ~ Underground CDM Expt Results published on & reactor e Summary & Outlook
Diversified Program in Parallel Main Thrust on ~200 kg CsI(Tl) [ ( e) …] ULEGe: for coh ( N) + CDM Present Focus of Collaborating Groups: AS :: -e S. Coherent S. SonoLum. CIAE :: AMS SonoLum. THU :: CDM Search Reaching Out Korea / Daya Bay Project (?) / Regional Framework TEXONO is a (modest) part of world neutrino physics community Tremendous Pleasure & Pressure !