ICT indicators in Education Simon Ellis Head of Communication Statistics
Objectives Why do we want ICTS in schools and colleges? How do we measure ICTs in schools colleges? The answer to question 1 determines the answer to question 2
Some questions Does using a computer increase achievement? Why should children use computers? Why should teachers use computers?
Why use computers? To increase school achievement For employment opportunities To increase social participation For access to services and information For their own sake
What to measure? Content of used sites Frequency of use Nature of use Conditions of use eg language
Existing data Mostly from internationally comparable school achievement tests Can be used to link ICT use to achievement Home background including home computer School conditions, including teachers’ use of computer Alternatively use household survey data
A Breakdown of the School Surveys
Coverage of Arab States
Access to Basic Infrastructure
Remote Access
ICT access in Schools
Access and Geography
Thailand pilot survey ~ Teachers Total teachers 467,347 ICT trained teachers 338,726 or 42.48% Teachers per 1 PC in Primary schools 20:1 in Secondary schools 2.3:1 Percentage of teacher use of ICT for instruction 85% for administration 15% Percentage of teacher with cell phone 79% Percentage of teacher with e-mail 13.7%
Thai pilot survey ~ students Percentage of students with cell phone 20.1% with computer at home 40.1% with e-mail 5.9% Percentage of students who can use a computer 22.7% use digital camera 7.8 % write a webpage 0.16% Percentage of student using internet for education 9.9% internet at school 9.0% internet every week 3.2%
Results and outcomes No benefits to learning unless all students have personal computer No benefits to learners unless teacher has thorough knowledge of computers
Some successes Jordan Education Initiative Bahrain 100 pilot ‘Discovery’ schools feb 2004 linked in Jordan National Broadband Learning Network Bahrain All secondary and intermediate schools connected How to measure impact? How to replicate?