Never Give Up By: Matt, Nikki, Levi, and Stetson
Arts and Humanities: Levi Frank Gehry Early evidence of ability: his family migrated He is influenced by: the worlds most innovative architect Disabilities: he didn`t have much skill at first but then he gained it over time He was born in: Toronto, Canada He graduated in: 1954
Arts and Humanities: Levi Amy Tan Early evidence of ability: she wanted to be an artist She is influenced by: her childhood because her savings was only 17 cents Disabilities: though she wanted to be an artist, when she was young her skills weren`t very good
Arts and Humanities: Levi Rita Dove Early evidence of ability: she read poems and her favorite one is called: Daddy She is influenced by: the books she wrote Disability: she has a hard time with language In high school she got to see her favorite author
Science and Technology: Stetson Albert Einsten He is influenced by: his family`s business Disabilities: he couldn`t finish school He discovered that the speed of light is constant
Science and Technology: Stetson Bill Gates Early evidence of ability: he wanted to go to school He is influenced by: his smartness He changed the computing world
Science and Technology: Stetson Philo Fornsworth Early evidence of ability: he built an electric motor at age 12 In high school he had an idea for T.V. He is good with electricity
Sports: Matt Michael Jordon Early evidence of ability: he left college his junior year to play for the NBA He was influenced by: the players on the Bulls team Disabilities: he has ADHD ( he couldn`t stand still) He won 6 championship rings He is a 3 time All star MVP
Sports: Matt Muhammad Ali Early evidence of ability: he became a Golden Glove He wasn`t afraid of anybody Disabilities: he experienced racial prejudice and discrimination first hand He won the boxing championship 3 times
Sports: Matt Mia Hamm Early evidence of ability: she was considered the best soccer player in her state Her brother died of complications from a rare blood disease, aplastic anemia She won the woman's cup in 1991 and 1999
Leadership: Nikki Martin Luther King Jr. Early evidence of ability: he graduated at 15 He is influenced by: Mahatma Gandhi He gave a famous speech called “ I Have a Dream.” He changed how we treat people He led the March on Washington
Leadership: Nikki Mahatma Gandhi Early evidence of ability: he was a sophisticated and westernized lawyer He was influenced by: Baghaved Gita (scripture) He was a religious leader
Leadership: Nikki Abraham Lincoln Early evidence of ability: he was pushed to do hard work in which he did He is influenced by: Sarah Bush Johnston (his stepmother) Disabilities: cancer When he was only 9 his mother died which made him stronger emotionally