Vocabulary Emphasis – důraz Urban palaces – městské paláce Marble – mramor Peristyle – sloupořadí Vault – klenba Dome – kupola Ground plan – půdorys Chiaroscuro – šerosvit still life - zátiší
Characteristics 14. century – 16. century Main features: Emphasis on man turns back to the Antiquity Scenes of everyday activities Religious motives art is national
symmetry proportion geometry Architecture New types of buildings: urban palaces and villas The use of new materials: marble and brick New architectural elements: Peristyle - sloupořadí Vault - klenba Dome Staircase A new kind of decoration → fasade - sgrafiti
Art Themes: Religious scenes from everyday life New genres: Portraits Landscape or still life (zátiší) Mythological moti ve s Human anatomy Techniques: Tridimensionality and chiaroscuro Used multiple colors Representatives: Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Sandro Botticelli Piero della Francesca Pieter Brueghel
Leonardo da Vinci ( ) Types of paintings: Early works Paintings of the 1480s Paintings of the 1490s Paintings of the 1500s Scientific studies and anatomy Engineering and inventions
Sculpture dynamic movement respect for anatomy Representatives: Donatello Michelangelo Buonarotti (statue of David)
Science Alchemy found a method of transmuting lead into gold Representative: PARACELSUS Alchemist and physician Treatment of syphilis Coined the word “zinc“ and “Alcohol” Astronomy Representative: Nicolaus COPERNICUS New idea: The Earth revolves around the Sun
Literature Italy Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy Giovanni Boccaccio Decameron Life of Dante Francesco Petrarca Song book France Francois Villon Small testament Grand testament Francois Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel England Geoffrey Chauser Troilus and Cryseida Canterbury Tales William Shakespeare 39 plays 154 sonnets Spain Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote de la Mancha Fox Pedro Lope de Vega Fuente Ovejuna Fools of Valencia
Music Main forms of sacred m.: Masses Motets Main forms of secular m.: Madrigals Songs 3 generations of R. music 1. – Isometric motet – development of the Mass and chanson Guillaume Dufay 2. – development of compositional techniques – CRAYFISH technique – MIRROR technique – combination of the 2 Johannes Ockeghem 3. – peak in the compositional skills – free imitation Josquin Desprez
Music instruments The Brass: Slide trumpet(1.) Cornett(2.) Sackbut Plucked: Jew´s harp(3.) Woodwinds(aerophones): Shawm(4.) Reed pipe Horn pipe(5.) Strings: Viol Lute(6.) Lyre(7.) Irish harp(8.) Hurdy-gurdy(9.) Zither(10.)
Fashion symmetry and proportion the beauty and refinement of textiles