December 9, 2009 BIG SPRING, Texas - A Texas homeowner, Barry McBee, who adorned his front lawn with Michelangelo's "David" as a scantily clad Santa got more than just jolly laughs from his neighbours. "I just like to shock people to make 'em laugh, kind of break the monotony around here," said McBee, who has all kinds of animal yard ornaments in his garage. "I just bring them out occasionally." McBee put his statue of Michelangelo's David in his front yard with only a Santa cap and beard, but neighbors and parents complained to town officials that their kids were asking why Santa was naked. McBee relented and put a pair of shorts on the replica of the famous statue. XCh. 17 (water pollution) XExam Dec. 17 (Thursday, 10am-12) äCh (fossil fuels to air pollution + presentations) Neighbors not jolly over naked Santa Claus
Groundwater Pollution XRecognized (1970’s) GW can be contaminated äCannot see pollution; takes time to hit GW äOf primary concern Septic systems (~10% GW has biotic agents) –~245 GW related disease outbreaks ( ) Underground storage tanks äTransport of pollutants in plumes
Groundwater Pollution XContaminants enter GW by äSurface water interactions Ex: salt water intrusion; hyporheic zones äSoil interactions Ex: acid rain; leaching of toxins XDanger of GW pollutant depends on äamount äconcentration of toxicity äexposure to people
Groundwater Pollution XTreating GW contamination äEliminate source Much harder to clean!! äDifferent than surface water Surface water--rapid flow, rapid turnover, oxygenated XSteps for treating GW äKnow geology & hydrology Matrix; flow (rate, direction); depth äKnow contaminant ID, localization, how it moves äBest treatment for pollutant
Treating GW Pollution XPump and treat äpH adjustments, microbes, charcoal, aeration XIn situ treatment äPermeable reactive barriers äBioremediation (natural attenuation)
Risks stack up for kids near industry Harmful air quality near schools is widespread, overlooked. (USA Today Special Report, 12/8/2008)
Air pollution XResidence times XTypes of air pollutants äStationary and mobile äPrimary and secondary XCosts äHuman health äVegetation Effects of smog
Air Quality Standards XClean Air Act & amendments äAllowed for quality control äAir Quality Index XCriteria pollutants
National Ambient Air Quality Standards POLLUTANTSTANDARD STANDARD VALUE * TYPE Carbon Monoxide (CO) 8-hour Average9 ppm(10 mg/m 3 )Primary 8-hour Average9 ppm(10 mg/m 3 )Primary 1-hour Average35 ppm(40 mg/m 3 )Primary 1-hour Average35 ppm(40 mg/m 3 )Primary Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ) Annual Arithmetic Mean0.053 ppm(100 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary Annual Arithmetic Mean0.053 ppm(100 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary Ozone (O 3 ) 1-hour Average0.12 ppm(235 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary 1-hour Average0.12 ppm(235 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary 8-hour Average0.08 ppm(157 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary 8-hour Average0.08 ppm(157 µg/m 3 )Primary & Secondary Lead (Pb) Quarterly Average1.5 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Quarterly Average1.5 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Particulate (PM 10) Particles with diameters of 10 micrometers or less Annual Arithmetic Mean50 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Annual Arithmetic Mean50 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average150 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average150 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Particulate (PM 2.5) Particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or less Annual Arithmetic Mean15 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Annual Arithmetic Mean15 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average65 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary 24-hour Average65 µg/m 3 Primary & Secondary Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) Annual Arithmetic Mean0.030 ppm(80 µg/m 3 )Primary Annual Arithmetic Mean0.030 ppm(80 µg/m 3 )Primary 24-hour Average0.14 ppm(365 µg/m 3 )Primary 24-hour Average0.14 ppm(365 µg/m 3 )Primary 3-hour Average0.50 ppm (1300 µg/m 3 )Secondary 3-hour Average0.50 ppm (1300 µg/m 3 )Secondary * Parenthetical value is an approximately equivalent concentration.