Antonio Tujan Jr. IBON International Betteraid
Are results important? Results agenda for aid effectiveness Why results fundamental to aid quality reform Reciprocal relationship between results framework/agenda and aid effectiveness principles – Ownership; Accountability; Managing for results For development partners – assuming and managing risks for genuine results agenda Components of results agenda United around country targets and strategies in programming and planning Efficient management for low cost delivery Incorporating mechanisms to ensure results in inclusive program management Monitoring and evaluation to demonstrate clear outputs and outcomes
Dangers of donor-driven results agenda - Are we being distracted from development? Donor Value for money – an investor framework averse to risk? Excessive focus on quantifiable short term development outcomes captures the development objective and process M & E transformed into fetish for measuring outcome indicators Disregard of the development process and local actors Disregard of unquantifiable or difficult complex processes such as capacity development - (not everything that can be measured is important and not everything important can be measured – Albert Einstein) Diminution of human rights approach in development The PBF – the big push forward a response from IDS against the narrowing of what is valued and how value is measured
What results, how to get results Development - Quality of life, opportunities for human potential Broad country ownership the start to determining: What results are meaningful to country needs and strategies for development? Aid effectiveness – What processes to negotiate national development strategies and results for aid assisted programs What mechanisms to incorporate rights-based approaches (such as empowerment, consultation and participatory components) in aid assisted programs and projects What affirmative mechanisms to ensure participation and benefit fo women and other marginalized sectors What mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation for affirmative and inclusive participation, coverage and effective attribution for development results in monitoring and evaluation?
Development effectiveness – results focus for peoples development Development effectiveness deepens and strengthens effectiveness and results agenda to peoples development – how development cooperation empowers the people especially the excluded to claim their rights and strengthens governance mechanisms to uphold and defend peoples rights Development cooperation mechanisms that are based on human rights agenda to ensure development results - empowerment, affirmative approaches, capacity development Development trajectories premised on peoples economic participation, welfare and benefit Difficulties and benefits
Monitoring and Evaluation M&E as inclusive country owned process Philippines national platform on M & E Factors for LDCs capacity of state and institutions for leadership Champions among donors Readiness to engage inclusively Capacity of civil society and parliament for sustained constructive participation M & E process