Sigmar Polke 1941-2010 This Is All That Remains Of the Original Statue, Oil and resin on canvas,180 x 300 cm,1974.


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Presentation transcript:

Sigmar Polke This Is All That Remains Of the Original Statue, Oil and resin on canvas,180 x 300 cm,1974

Reiherbild II, Dispersion on flannel, 180x150cm,1968

Ohne Titel,Dispersion, 180x150cm,1996

Der Ritter II,Lacquer on polyester fabric,300 x 230cm, 1994

Der Raabe,Dispersion,190x200cm,1996

,Der Kronleuchter, Dispersion on patterned fabric, 145x178cm,1978

Auto(Jeep), Wood veneer,resin and plastic sealer on polyester fabric,225 x 300 cm,1992

David Elliott Fat Chance, 2005

Le Calcul 2007

Gerald Ferguson Drain Covers, 2006, Enamel on canvas, 48 x 55 in

Ash Cans, 2006, Enamel on canvas, 53 x 53 in

Drain Covers, 2006, Enamel on canvas, 62 x 54 in

Km Rod, 2006, Enamel on canvas, x 48 in

Doormats, 2003, Enamel on canvas, 52 x 71 in