College Spotlight
Founded in 1923, Texas Tech is located on the South Plains of West Texas. Humble/Kingwood to Lubbock 566 miles, about 8.5 hours Location: Lubbock, TX Hold on to your hat! It’s windy here!
There is no other symbol more recognized with Texas Tech than the Double T symbol.
Tradition: Carol of Lights At Christmastime, everyone gathers at the Science Quadrangle. The choir sings holiday songs, then 25,000 red, white, and orange lights are lit! We will discuss this person in a minute!
The Saddle Tramps, an all boy spirit group “Saddle Tramps” in pioneer days were traveling men who would come to a farm for a brief time, fix up some things and move on. Saddle Tramps believe if there is something they can do to help Texas Tech, they will do it! They decorate before home games, ring Bangin’ Bertha, participate in the Carol of Lights, ring the victory bells, and so much more!
School Spirit: Bangin’ Bertha Bangin’ Bertha is a bell on a trailer that is at football games. It gets the crowd going! Who do you think rings the bell? THE SADDLE TRAMPS!
The band is one of the best bands in the country! Their uniforms are designed to look like matadors. Real Matador Texas Tech Band The Goin’ Band from Raiderland
Mascot #1 – The Masked Rider The Masked Rider is the oldest and most popular mascot of Texas Tech University Originally the Masked Rider started as a dare He/she wears all black with a red cape. He/she leads the team out onto the field for all of the home games.
Mascot #2: Raider Red Since it is difficult to travel with a live horse, Texas Tech decided they might need another mascot besides the Masked Rider for out-of-town games. So a Saddle Tramp came up with Raider Red. If you go to an athletic event, Red will probably shake your hand. He changes from boots to high- top court shoes for basketball games. Raider Red fires his two 12- gauge shotguns using powder- filled shells after every Tech touchdown and field goal.
Get your “Guns Up” The "Guns Up" sign is the widely recognized greeting of one Red Raider to another. It is also the sign of victory displayed by the crowd at every athletic event. The sign is made by extending the index finger outward while extending the thumb upward and tucking in the middle, little and fourth fingers to form a gun. Just like Raider Red!
Will Rogers and his horse, Soapsuds Well-known 9’11” tall statue that cost $25,000 Before every home football game the Saddle Tramps wrap Old Will with red crepe paper. On the base of the statue, the inscription reads "Lovable Old Will Rogers on his favorite horse, 'Soapsuds,' riding into the Western sunset."
Mrs. Ickert’s daughter Jenna graduated from TTU and her other daughter, Timmi, is in pharmacy school at Tech, and her husband is also an alum! Mrs. Richardson’s daughter Leah has a degree from Tech. Mrs. Slater, Mrs. Ferrier, & Mrs. Morris graduated from Tech! Mrs. Mankins graduated from Tech, her son Ryan graduated from Tech, and her other son Reed is a current student at Tech. Mrs. Shawver’s daughter Katy graduated from Tech. Mrs. Youngblood’s daughter, Kami, graduated from there and so did Mrs. Smith's daughter, Stephanie, Mrs. Mahler's daughter and son, Jessica and David. Alumni Our graduates have governed three states, flown space missions, won Olympic Gold Medals, served as ambassadors to foreign countries, acted on Broadway stages, won Pulitzer Prizes.