United Nations Security Council Resolution 1624 (2005) Countering Incitement to Commit Terrorist Acts
Prevention of Incitement Dialogue and understanding among civilizations Dialogue and understanding among civilizations Countering incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance Countering incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance Prevention of subversion of educational, cultural and religious, institutions Prevention of subversion of educational, cultural and religious, institutions Compliance with Human Rights obligations Compliance with Human Rights obligations
Challenges Extremism and terrorism Extremism and terrorism Non traditional players Non traditional players Freedom of expression, etc Freedom of expression, etc Socio-economic and political issues Socio-economic and political issues Regulation of internet Regulation of internet Effectiveness of possible approaches Effectiveness of possible approaches
Methodology – Development, security and human rights interlinked – Need for dialogue and understanding – Cross cutting and multidisciplinary approaches – Combing law enforcement and soft approaches – Cooperation and coordination at national level – International cooperation – Regional approaches – Protecting and upholding human rights – Capacity building and Technical Assistance
Recommendations For Member States Uphold international human rights obligations Uphold international human rights obligations Enhance dialogue and understanding Enhance dialogue and understanding Promote justice, human rights and peace Promote justice, human rights and peace Holistic and comprehensive strategies Holistic and comprehensive strategies Enhance international cooperation Enhance international cooperation Prevent the use of internet by terrorists Prevent the use of internet by terrorists Local communities, private sector, and civil society Local communities, private sector, and civil society
Recommendations For CTED Dialogue with Member States Dialogue with Member States Submission of reports under resolution 1624 Submission of reports under resolution 1624 Strategies for countering incitement Strategies for countering incitement Strategies to prohibit and prevent incitement Strategies to prohibit and prevent incitement Proposals for simplifying and revitalizing PIA Proposals for simplifying and revitalizing PIA Global status of implementation of resolution 1624 Global status of implementation of resolution 1624 Cooperation with international & regional organizations Cooperation with international & regional organizations Committees policy guidance on human rights Committees policy guidance on human rights